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She would become a living lie in human form, an object of loathing to herself, and to me who stand in the place of a mother to her from morning till night a martyrizing reproach!

I have a plot to prevent you from martyrizing yourself. While this greeting was going forward, Mr. Bridmain, and Jet the spaniel, looked on with the air of actors who had no idea of by-play. Mr. Bridmain, a stiff and rather thick-set man, gave his welcome with a laboured cordiality. It was astonishing how very little he resembled his beautiful sister.

"My son! My son!" cried the mother. Ah, her son! Scarcely could she recognize him as she saw him in this condition. He seemed like another, as if only his former exterior had remained, as if an infernal monster had lodged within and was martyrizing this flesh that had come out of her own womb, appearing at his eyes with livid flashes.

"Oh, no," the doctor shook her head; "young couples are always martyrizing themselves for these events. By May it will be warm, and Mrs. Byrd isn't acclimatized to our American summers. Find a nice place not too far from the city say on Long Island and I can run out whenever necessary. You both like the country, I imagine?" Stefan was overjoyed. He jumped up. "Dr. Hillyard, you've saved us.

When he thought of her in his monstrous shop, wilting in the heat, bowing deferentially to fools, martyrizing her soul for less than two pounds a week, he thought of kings' daughters sold into slavery. But she was a princess now, and for evermore, and she had come to him of her own free will; she had trusted him; she had invited his help! It was glorious beyond the dreams of his passion.

She would become a living lie in human form, an object of loathing to herself, and to me who stand in the place of a mother to her from morning till night a martyrizing reproach!

She would become a living lie in human form, an object of loathing to herself, and to me who stand in the place of a mother to her from morning till night a martyrizing reproach!

There's generally some excellent reason for martyrizing them." He broke off looking at her with a clouded brow. "Marion!" She turned with a start, the color flooding her plain, pleasant face. "Yes, Lord Coryston!" "If you're so critical of my clothes, why don't you come and look after them and me?" She gasped then recovered herself. "I've never been asked," she said, quietly. "Asked!

And ruthless! She would be capable of martyrizing the whole world to her sense of duty, her damnable, insane sense of duty.... She was gone. He was ruined; she had ruined him. But he respected her. He hated to respect her, but he respected her. A thought leapt up in his mind and who could have guessed it?

And he saw, amazed, that she did wish it. Pursuing his researches into the nature of women, he perceived vaguely that she would find pleasure in martyrizing herself in Leicester while he was gadding about Paris; and pleasure also in the thought of his uncomfortable thought of her martyrizing herself in Leicester while he was gadding about Paris.