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And siñor Martines promised to take the little rogue in hand, and he did, in fact, give him a lecture, which reduced Tonet, for a moment at least, to cowering in terror in the presence of that uniform and that heavy gun, which the soldier would never let go of for an instant.

The mistress of the tavern listened open-mouthed to the tales he told about himself in a heavy Andalusian dialect where every "s" was like "th" in "thing." In deference to his learning, she answered in kind, floundering about in an absurd and unintelligible Castillian which made people in the village laugh. "See, siñor Martines, that jacknape of mine is driving me mad with all his carrying on.

"These are the prisoners, Monseigneur!" said Martines. "And I, Antony de Bourbon-Vendôme, First Prince of the Blood Royal of France, stand here on my right and claim them. Gentlemen," and he turned to us, "you are free; follow me!" Four days had passed since that dreadful night in the Rue des Mathurins days the memory of which can never be effaced whilst I live.

When her mother, sometimes, looked at her out of the corners of her eyes, she seemed to see in her all the florid exuberance of the handsome siñor Martines.