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He engaged in several sharp encounters with the Spanish and did such effective service that the moral effect was noticed immediately. He and his brother Jose were made generals. About the middle of April Maximo Gomez and Jose Marti landed from San Domingo at about the same point where the Maceos had landed.

Here are Sandoval's words on the occasion: Gentlemen: In presence of the corpse of him who in life was Jose Marti, and in the absence of any relative or friend who might speak over his remains such words as are customary, I request you not to consider these remains to be those of an enemy any more, but simply those of a man, carried by political discords to face Spanish soldiers.

This man, Don Hermoso explained, was the bearer of a letter from Senor Marti, the leader of the revolutionary movement in Cuba, calling upon Don Hermoso to assist him in a serious difficulty that had most unexpectedly arisen.

When the day comes that Cuba shall take her place among the free and independent nations of the earth, Jose Marti, who probably did more than any other one man to arouse the insurgents to make the final struggle for liberty, will not be among them to share their triumphs.

They are used both for bathing and for drinking. Madruga is more easily accessible from the metropolis than is San Diego. There is also a good physician resident in the village. The Fish-Market of Havana. The Dying Dolphin. Tax upon the Trade. Extraordinary Monopoly. Harbor Boats. A Story about Marti, the Ex-Smuggler. King of the Isle of Pines. The Offered Reward. Sentinels in the Plaza de Armas.

The Governor General and the Intruder. "I am Captain Marti!" The Betrayal. The Ex-Smuggler as Pilot. The Pardon and the Reward. Tacon's Stewardship and Official Career. Monopoly of Theatricals. A Negro Festival.

Yet the secret agents, the constabulary, and the troops began to make it perilous for these law-breakers, and General Tacon was hopeful of their speedy capture. On a certain morning he looked up abstractedly from some letters he was writing on the case of Marti and was astonished to see a burly but well-dressed stranger standing before his desk.

If it had had any penetrating power or rather if the bullets that it sent out, had any real kick behind them the chances are that both "Miss Jackson" and Marti would be dead now. "'Two bullets, it will be remembered, entered the doctor's left chest, quite close together. Well, one nicked the heart and lodged between the lung and the heart. It didn't cause any more damage than a mosquito bite.

I wish to come back and live among men." "Well spoken. And Marti?" "I shall be pardoned, absolutely, when I bring him here?" "Absolutely. When may we expect him?" "Now." "Where?" "Here." "What! To-day? This Marti " "You are looking at him." Tacon started, and his glance fell on a couple of pistols that lay on the desk before him. He always kept them there, primed and loaded.

Marti the smuggler was on board as her pilot; and faithfully did he guide the ship on the discharge of his treacherous business, revealing every haunt of the rovers, exposing their most valuable depots; and many a smuggling craft was taken and destroyed. The amount of money and property thus secured was very great."