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"Not come?" cried the wife. "Mrs. Richlin'," said the widow, hurriedly, "yer husband's alive and found." Mary seized her frantically by the shoulders, crying with high-pitched voice: "Where is he? where is he?" "Ya can't see um till marning, Mrs. Richlin'." "Where is he?" cried Mary, louder than before. "Me dear," said Mrs. Riley, "ye kin easy git him out in the marning." "Mrs.

"How long before?" "I guess about a week." "Your mother testified that it happened the same morning." "Yes, sorr. It was the same marning." The poor little chap's answers were getting almost inaudible. He looked spent with misery and apprehension. He gave no sign of tears. His wan, pinched little face looked as if he had cried so much in his short life that there was no longer any relief in it.

From Flint House to the crass-roads it's straight as a dart, if you know yer way, with only one house twixt it till you come arver to it old Farmer Bardsley, who ain't got no wemmenfolk, so it's sartin she didn't come from theer. She wasn't a maa'iden from any of the farms of the moors, for I know them all. But it weren't till this marning that I got a kind of notion who she was.

O'Dowd put herself with arms akimbo before the bedroom door. "Is it her mother you're going to take her to?" she said; "or do you want to go to Mamma yourself, Mr. Sedley? Good marning a pleasant journey to ye, sir. Bon voyage, as they say, and take my counsel, and shave off them mustachios, or they'll bring you into mischief."

But if she's so bad as you say, and you can't attend to her, who used to be so fond of her, faith I'll see if I can be of service. And so good marning to ye, Madam"; with which speech and a toss of her head, the lady of the repayther took a farewell of Mrs. Crawley, whose company she by no means courted. Becky watched her marching off, with a smile on her lip.

'Thank God he can't say that of me, Betty answered shortly, for she never cared about argument, except on her own side; 'thank he, I says, every marning a'most, never to lead me astray so. Men is desaving and so is galanies; but the most desaving of all is books, with their heads and tails, and the speckots in 'em, lik a peg as have taken the maisles.

To believe him, the number of British and Hessians conquered by his single arm would have composed a regiment; and, indeed, it was difficult to conceive how the struggle could have been brought to a successful issue without his assistance. "Good morning, General," said Felix, politely touching his cap. "Good warning, Missa Qui I hope I see you well dis pleasant marning.

For I love to see the love in thee. Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do. So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, 'Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee.

And niver a sound of them reaching the kitchen. Meals from marning till night and me niver seeing them ate. You'd think I'd be contint the wages is so gr'rand, but honest, Susy, I was happier doing gineral housework for brides at twenty per mont' at least I'd a bit of heart put in me, I heard something savin' a voice on the house 'phone sayin',

Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do." So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, "Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee."