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Under the cloak of a theatrical presence and a large orotund manner, and behind a Ciceronian command of sonorous language, the colonel carried concealed a shrewd old brain. It was as though a skilled marksman lurked in ambush amid a tangle of luxuriant foliage.

It is almost hopeless to think of killing a grizzly bear by a single bullet. There the deadly rifle is no longer deadly unless when the shot is given in a mortal part; and to take sure aim from the saddle, with a horse dancing in affright, is a feat which even the most skilful marksman cannot always accomplish.

"Well," said Hughes, "but you know I am the best marksman; and besides, I don't want the turkey, you may have it." The lad then agreed that Hughes should go and kill it for him.

For our Lithuania had no better marksman than you, and next to Maciek you were also the foremost swordsman! It is the truth! Once the gentlewomen sang of you:— When Jacek twirls his whisker, men tremble far and near; ’Gainst whom he knots his whisker, that man feels mortal fearThough he be Prince Radziwill, to fight he will not dare. You tied a knot against my lord! Unhappy man! And is it you?

He heard a crash, and a bullet flattened itself against one of the rocks above his head. "He ain't so slow, after all," he admitted grudgingly, referring to the concealed marksman. He kneeled in the gully and looked cautiously over its edge. The wagon was directly in front of him; part of one of the rear wheels was in his line of vision. The horses were standing quietly, undisturbed by the shots.

We feel that the author has been trifling with us in inflicting on us this purely mechanical and momentary "scare." The case would be different if the young lady knew that the marksman was lying in ambush, and determined to run the gantlet. In that case the incident would be a trait of character; but, unless my memory deceives me, that is not the case.

As Kennedy moved it over the wall, I saw in the center of the circle of light a dark spot. "A new invention," Craig explained. "All you need to do is to move it so that little dark spot falls directly on an object. Pull the trigger the bullet strikes the dark spot. Even a nervous and unskilled marksman becomes a good shot in the dark.

A mighty wail arose from the Mohawks when they saw their venerated leader fall, but the wail merged into a fierce cry for vengeance, to which the ambushed French and Indians replied with shouts of exultation and increased their fire, every tree and bush and rock and log hiding a marksman. "Give back!" shouted Tayoga to those around him. "Give back for your lives!"

A moment later he reached over and felt along the floor of the cave for the final hold. Finding it, he drew himself up over the edge and crawled, weak and half fainting, out of range of the devilish marksman. For a long time he lay still, gasping for breath. They had him cold! There was no use in trying to think of a way out of his difficulty.

"I haven't heard the sound of the other name you're asking after for a matter of better than twenty year: and I don't care if I never hear it again." His voice sank huskily, and he turned his head a little away from Zack, as he said those words. "They nicknamed me 'Marksman, when I used to go out with the exploring gangs, because I was the best shot of all of them.