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Half mad with fear, shock, and surprise, Markel fought like a maniac, and his voice, in gasping shouts, rang through the house. A minute, two passed and the men rolled about the hall floor. Markel, over middle age and unheathily fat, against Jimmie Dale's six feet of muscle only Jimmie Dale's left hand, dripping a red stream now, was almost useless.

Anton heard me with a judicial wrinkle on his smooth brow. "That's all very well," said he, "and I dare say you're bound to say so. All I know is that Rischenheim dropped a hint to Colonel Markel a day or two ago." "Rischenheim believes what he hopes," said I. "And where's he gone?" cried Anton, exultantly. "Why has he suddenly left Strelsau?

And" Wilbur's fist curled until the knuckles were like ivory in their whiteness "he added in the telegram that Thurl had wired the news of the strike to a man in New York by the name of Markel. Do you see? I hadn't had the telegram five minutes, when a messenger brought me a letter from Markel curtly informing me that I would have to meet my note to-morrow morning. I can't meet it.

"We have bought wonderful things," he continued, as he took off his sheepskin, and flung it over the heads of the others into the corner of the bedstead. "Markel has bought milk and eggs. Why, we'll have a regular ball to-day. And Rintzeva is spreading out her aesthetic cleanliness," he said, and looked with a smile at Rintzeva, "and now she will make the tea."

He knew I couldn't. With wealth in sight I'm wiped out. A DEMAND note, a call loan, do you understand and with a few months in which to develop the new vein I could pay it readily. As it is I default the note Markel attaches all I have left, which is the mine. The mine is sold to satisfy my indebtedness. Markel buys it in legally, upheld by the law and acquires, ROBS me of it, and "

Jimmie Dale lowered his head for a closer examination and to hide a curious, mocking little gleam that crept into his dark eyes. "Yes, I should say you're right, Markel," he agreed judicially. "He ought to know better than to touch this. It it would be too hard to dispose of." "I'm not worrying," declared Markel importantly. "No," said Jimmie Dale. "Two hundred and ten thousand, you said.

"If one of you make a move or raise an alarm before your master comes back, I shall be obliged, in self-defence, to shoot Mr. Markel. Mr. Markel quite understands that I am sure. Do you not, Mr. Markel?" "Helen," screamed Markel to his wife, "don't let 'em move! For God's sake, do as he says!" Jimmie Dale's lips, just showing beneath the edge of his mask, broadened in a pleasant little smile.

"MORNING NEWS-ARGUS office? Mr. Carruthers, please. Thank you." Another wait then Jimmie Dale's voice changed its pitch and register to a pleasant and natural, though quite unrecognisable bass. "Mr. Carruthers? Yes. I thought it might interest you to know that Mr. Theodore Markel purchased a very valuable diamond necklace this afternoon. . . . Oh, you knew that, did you?

And, oh, yes, tell your reporter not to overlook the detail of Mr. Markel in his pajamas and dressing gown tied to a tree in his park Mr. Markel might be inclined to be reticent on that point, and it would be a pity to deprive the public of any er 'atmosphere' in the story, you know. . . . What? . . . No; I am afraid Mr.