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They actually spoke of the great expectations they had of my new work, the poem of which had been written 'with undoubted poetic feeling. Full of hope, I started in July on my holiday, which consisted of a journey to Marienbad in Bohemia, where my wife and I intended to take the cure.

Harrigan reminded him of a seal he had once seen in an aquarium tank: out of his element, but merry-eyed and swimming round and round as if determined to please everybody. "It will be a fine night," said the Italian, pausing at Harrigan's bench. "Every night is fine here, Barone," replied Harrigan. "Why, they had me up in Marienbad a few weeks ago, and I'm not over it yet.

Vivian says she would take her in a moment; she does n't seem to care how many she has. I declare, she 's only too kind. You know I 'm in Mrs. Vivian's care. My mother 's gone to Marienbad. She would let me go with Mrs. Vivian anywhere, on account of the influence she thinks so much of Mrs. Vivian's influence. I have always heard a great deal about it, have n't you?

He was fatigued by the hilly scramble and he was thirsty. Oh, the lovely thirst of Marienbad who that hath not been within thy hospitable gates he knoweth it not! The magic of the night was making of him a poet. He could see his Tyrolean friends behind the glass partition of the little hall. There would they sing, not in the open.

He took off his hat, touched significantly his own tie to indicate a reciprocity of sentiment, and all aglow he ordered a third cup of coffee. The cure could take care of itself. Man lebt nur einmal! On his way to the Alm he met the fattest man in Marienbad, a former chef of the German emperor, and gave him a friendly salute.

My decision is plain. I resign. Then I realize all I can and disappear from this rich field of political life. That's all, Frank." He looked at me. He was very grave. And then suddenly his face changed and he again became the chap that amused Maroossia and myself in Marienbad a few years ago. "So I feel, old man, exactly so," he laughed, "aren't all of them the rottenest types one ever saw?

The plan of "The Mastersingers" was conceived about the same time as that of "Lohengrin," during the composer's stay at Marienbad, and occupied his attention at intervals for twenty years, as it was not finished until 1867. As is clearly apparent both from its music and text, it was intended as a satire upon the composer's critics, who had charged that he was incapable of writing melody.

He was troubled with rheumatism in his arm, and wrote his first letter from Aix-les-Bains, a watering-place a "health-factory," as he called it and another from Marienbad.

Doria did not raise the disastrous topic, but talked of Marienbad and her visits, and discussed the modern tendencies of the drama. She prided herself on being in the forefront of progress, and found no dramatic salvation outside the most advanced productions of the Incorporated Stage Society. I pleaded for beauty, which she called wedding-cake.

"I shall give up doing so very soon," Iglesias replied. "Just now I am acting as manager. Sir Abel is at Marienbad, and the other partners are out of town." "I like that lazy animals!" Poppy said. "But the situation is in process of righting itself has practically righted itself already." "Thanks to you." "In part, no doubt.