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John Marbury, now undoubtedly deceased. And at first sight of it, he saw that it was so small an affair that it seemed ludicrous to imagine that it could contain anything of any importance.

So Rathbury intimated that he had no more to ask, and nothing further to say, just then, and he bade the landlord and landlady of the Anglo-Orient Hotel good morning, and went away, followed by the two young men. "What next?" asked Spargo, as they gained the street. "The next thing," answered Rathbury, "is to find the man with whom Marbury left this hotel last night."

"The theory that an act of legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void," said the Chief Justice, in granting Marbury and others the withheld commissions, through the district court, "is essential to a written constitution, and is consequently to be considered by this court as one of the fundamental principles of our society."

Now. then, may I ask you a question or two?" "A thousand!" responded Mr. Criedir with great geniality. "Very well. Did Marbury say he'd call on Cardlestone?" "He did. Said he'd call as soon as he could that day." "Have you told Cardlestone what you've just told me?" "I have. But not until an hour ago on my way back from your office, in fact. I met him in Fleet Street and told him."

"No wiser," said Spargo. "At any rate, I am. I know now that this dead man called himself John Marbury; that he came from Australia; that he only landed at Southampton yesterday morning, and that he was in the company last night of a man whom we have had described to us a tall, grey-bearded, well-dressed man, presumably a gentleman." Breton shrugged his shoulders.

"If I don't see Rathbury tonight I'll see him in the morning," said Spargo. He rose as if to go, but after lingering a moment, sat down again. "Look here," he continued, "I don't know how this thing stands in law, but would it be a very weak case against Aylmore if the prosecution couldn't show some motive for his killing Marbury?" Breton smiled.

"So, I suppose, are you, Cardlestone? Has anything more been discovered, young man?" Spargo tried a chance shot at what he did not know. "The man's name was Marbury," he said. "He was from Australia." He was keeping a keen eye on Mr. Elphick, but he failed to see that Mr. Elphick showed any of the surprise which Mr. Cardlestone had exhibited. Rather, he seemed indifferent. "Oh?" he said "Marbury?

And in a second they were all about her, her first kiss on the wet cheek of Aunt Sanna, the second to her mother "Evelyn, you were a darling to come way across the city, and Marguerite, you were a darling to bring those precious angels" and then the old doctor's kiss, and Richie's kiss, and a pressure from his big bony fingers. Julia half knelt to embrace little Scott Marbury.

Marshall had no intention of commanding Madison to surrender the commission to Marbury. He was too adroit a politician for that. Marshall knew that he could not compel Jefferson to obey such a writ against his will, and that in issuing the order he would only bring himself and his court into contempt. What he seems to have wished to do was to give Jefferson a lesson in deportment.

Once again they were above the earth, and, desiring to get rid as soon as possible of the presence of the spies, a landing was made near New York City, and the government authorities communicated with. Captain Warner and Lieutenant Marbury took charge of the prisoners, with some Secret Service men, and the foreigners were soon safely locked up.