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Whenever this is so, 'Addio Maraviglia! The reign of Puritanism was of course wholly unfavourable to the art; the period of laxity that followed was no less so. Even Wren, of whose comprehensive genius Englishmen have every reason to speak with pride, formed, in the first instance, a most inadequate conception of what a Christian Church should be.

Leaving them for a moment, let us return to Mathias. That daring scoundrel was not satisfied with having escaped a great danger scot free, and made a very rich prize, but he must needs return to the Palazzo Maraviglia in another dress, in quest of fresh plunder. The fact was that he was flushed with wine. Else he would have thought twice of returning.

Surely he should not so soon have forgotten her. Was it not upon the occasion of her memorable exploits at the gardens of the Contessa Maraviglia that he had last seen her that night when poor Magog Brand met his fate? As soon as he recognised her, he made up his mind to escort her. "Do you not join the dance, signorina?" he said.

Van de Werve, whilst glancing admiringly at his daughter. Some Italians of lower rank murmured loud enough to reach Mary's ears: "Ecco la bionda maraviglia." Mr. Van de Werve ordered his people to await him at the gate of the dock-yard, and passed on, saluting those whom he met, to the place where the Portuguese flag indicated the gondola of Lopez de Galle, which was prepared to receive him.

He had a daughter of extraordinary beauty, so lovely, so modest, notwithstanding the homage offered to her charms, that her admirers had surnamed her la bionda maraviglia, "the wonderful blonde." One morning in the year 1550 the beautiful Mary Van de Werve was seated in her father's house in a richly sculptured arm-chair.

I had been looking too long at the large lustre, and its brilliant light made me dizzy. But let us rise, signor, there is the beautiful Mary, la bionda maraviglia!" Mr. Van de Werve appeared at this moment at the door, and introduced his beloved child. A murmur of admiration ran through the assembly, and room was made for the father and daughter. The beauty of Mary surpassed all expectation.

Tasso, the author of a well-known metrical history, states distinctly, as you shall see in half a moment, that a tree upon one occasion discoursed with Major General Tancred, "Pur tragge alfin la spada e con gran forza Percuote l' alta pianta. Oh, maraviglia! quasi di tomba, uscir ne sente Un indistinto gemito dolente, Che poi distinto in voci."

"She had been detained," she said, "by the Contessa Maraviglia for the letter which she brought back to Mr. Mole." The letter was an invitation to a grand ball which was to be given by the contessa at the Palazzo Maraviglia, and to which the Harkaways were going. Dick Harvey had been at work in this business, and had made the contessa believe indirectly that Mr.

Out she skipped too, and tripped down the stairs. She was off to the ball. Little dreamt she that for the last half hour her life hung upon the most slender thread. And now, the coast being clear, the three brigands prepared to carry out their plans. The most brilliant fete of the year was that given by the rich Contessa Maraviglia at her palazzo. All the rank and fashion of the land were there.

Open Tasso in almost any part, particularly the love-scenes, and it is marvellous if, before long, you do not see the conceits vexatiously interfering with the beauties. "Oh maraviglia! Amor, the appena è nato, Gi