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I would remark in passing that many of the most poetic and striking adjectives in both the Raghu and the Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa are borrowed unblushingly from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Padma patrabha-nibha may also mean 'of the splendour of the gem called Marakata. Nilakantha, however, shows that this would militate against the adjective Kankojwalatwacham below.

Padma patrabha-nibha may also mean 'of the splendour of the gem called Marakata. Nilakantha, however, shows that this would militate against the adjective Kankojwalatwacham below. The princess being of the complexion of burnished gold and Arjuna dark as a mass of clouds, the comparison is exceedingly appropriate.

And leaving his material body, he entered into the bowels of the earth. Coming into contact with the earth, he created the different metals. Force and scent arose from his pus; the Deodar pine from his bones; glass from his phlegm; the Marakata jewel from his bile; and the black iron from his liver. The clouds were made from his nails, and corals from his veins.

And leaving his material body, he entered into the bowels of the earth. Coming into contact with the earth, he created the different metals. Force and scent arose from his pus; the Deodar pine from his bones; glass from his phlegm; the Marakata jewel from his bile; and the black iron from his liver. The clouds were made from his nails, and corals from his veins.