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He mastered with superhuman exertion all the thoughts that surged within him, and nobody might know that he was aware of the disgrace of his wife, nor that he contemplated an awful revenge. Why Manuelita betrayed him none could tell!

Pale as death and with tottering knees the unfortunate remained almost petrified on the spot; and when he revived a little and came ten minutes later into the house he appeared gay, and nobody could guess what anguish of soul he suffered. "Are you ready?" he inquired quietly. "Yes," nodded Manuelita. "Then let us go; the nets are all ready."

Father Danuncio, who secretly married them, also died before Don Juan did, without divulging the secret." "Strange!" ejaculated Padre Antonio. "There were three witnesses to the marriage Joaquin and Manuelita Flores, whom Don Felipe has cleverly put out of the way, and Bob Carlton, the gambler, who, at that time, was Don Felipe's intimate friend; but he, too, is gone and never dare return."

It was the largest and best hall then in California. The ball was really a handsome affair, and we kept it up nearly all night. The next morning we were at breakfast: present, Dona Augustias, and Manuelita, Halleck, Murray, and myself. We were dull and stupid enough until a gun from the fort aroused us, then another and another.

"Swear to me that, at any day or any hour I should call on you in Manuelita's name to assist me, you will follow my orders!" Jacopo lifted his right hand on high. "Master, I swear it to you," said he, solemnly. "I trust to your oath; go and be happy." Overcome with joy, Jacopo hastened to Marseilles, soon reached the Catalonian quarter, and greeted Manuelita with a bright smile.

The Corsican allowed the boat to go with full sail before the wind, and soon nothing but the sky and water could be seen. Parlo and Manuelita, engaged with each other, did not perceive the change in the weather, and when they heard in the distance a hollow, rolling sound they quickly arose to their feet.

The weather was unusually rainy, and all the plain about Santa Clara was under water; but we reached Monterey in time. I again was welcomed by my friends, Dona Augustias, Manuelita, and the family, and it was resolved that I should take two of the boys home with me and put them at Georgetown College for education, viz., Antonio and Porfirio, thirteen and eleven years old.

Have you any further wishes, my brave man?" "No, none; only Manuelita!" "Then take her, and be happy!" Jacopo stared yet at his master rather doubtfully. "What is it to be, Jacopo, yes or no?" Instead of answering, Jacopo kissed the hand of his master. "All right, Jacopo," said Monte-Cristo. "I only require one thing of you." "Oh, speak speak only!"

With a loud cry Manuelita sank on her knees and Parlo cried out terrified: "Jacopo, we are lost!" "Save us, Jacopo," sobbed the Catalonian; and then she made the sign of the cross and muttered a prayer, while the storm increased in fury. Jacopo remained motionless.

It was the largest and best hall then in California. The ball was really a handsome affair, and we kept it up nearly all night. The next morning we were at breakfast: present, Dona Augustias, and Manuelita, Halleck, Murray, and myself. We were dull and stupid enough until a gun from the fort aroused us, then another and another.