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On the morning of the 12th I was detailed for picket duty at the Sabzi Mandi Gardens, to the right front of Hindoo Rao's house, the picket consisting of 100 men under the command of a Captain.

Are you the fine cripple as she was so fond on? Yes, Beng te tassa mandi if you ain't Henry his very self. 'Don't, remonstrated the landlord, 'don't meddle with the gentleman, Sinfi. He ain't a cripple, as you can see. 'Well, cripple or no cripple, he's Henry. I half thought it as soon as he began askin' about her.

Kishenganj, too, made its voice heard, harassing our right and sweeping the Sabzi Mandi and Hindoo Rao's with its incessant fire. During the bombardment our casualties amounted to nearly 350 men, the enemy causing great loss at No. 2 Battery through the fire of a 3-pounder served from a hole broken in the curtain-wall.

We took our turn at picket duty with the other regiments, one day at the Metcalfe house and stables, and on another at the Sabzi Mandi. July 23. On the morning of the 23rd the insurgents, for the first time since the previous month, made a sortie on our left, emerging from the Kashmir Gate with infantry and field-guns.

Many gallant attempts were made to drive off the rebels, but all were unavailing; and at length, after losing one-third of its number, the column fell back in good order to its original starting-point near the Sabzi Mandi, and Kishenganj remained in the hands of the enemy.

Jones Fight at Kishenganj Meeting with an old friend A sad story story Story of C d A victim of the Meerut massacre massacre Strong feeling of revenge in all ranks A sortie Attack on Sabzi Mandi pickets and right ridge An awkward position Heavy loss of enemy Cholera and other sickness prevalent Fishing Provisions, etc., much appreciated General Reed resigns and is succeeded by General Wilson Attack on Sabzi Mandi and Hindoo Rao's repulsed Bodies of slain sepoys rifled Difficulty of preventing it General's approval of Colonel Jones's conduct The number of attacks by the enemy Sortie on our left Repulsed by Brigadier Showers Expedition under Major Coke Attack on right pickets at sunset Combat continues all night Enemy retires Loss of enemy Result of General Wilson's appointment We attempt to destroy the bridge of boats Demonstration by the enemy Pickets on the right harassed Metcalfe pickets shelled Brigadier Showers takes four guns Our reinforcements arrive under Nicholson His character Mrs.

From Kishenganj we rode through the Sabzi Mandi Gardens, visiting our old pickets there and at the Crow's Nest, and then proceeded up the slope of the ridge to Hindoo Rao's house. This was still garrisoned by the Sirmoor battalion of Goorkhas, some of whom escorted us round the place, pointing out the different positions they had so gallantly defended.

Small wonder the fiesta was a success, and that the "Viva America's" were uttered from full hearts. But it is primarily to Datto Mandi and the presidente that the people of Zamboanga should be grateful. Citizens of the world these men are, and statesmen, too, although their sphere is comparatively circumscribed.

Failing in this, war was declared, and the presidente, surrounded by a loyal few, and Datto Mandi with his numerous Moro followers, drove the insurgents from town.

Dato Djimbangan promptly caused the Filipina women of the place to be stripped and compelled to march before him on the public plaza in a state of nudity. At Zamboanga the Moros could have taken the town at any time after the Spaniards left had they desired to do so. On the arrival of the Americans Dato Mandi offered to take it and turn it over to them, but his proposition was declined.