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The black caps were promoted either to offices of trust in their own country, or to places of distinction in the Chinese army. A similar policy was pursued in 1847, when a formidable rising occurred, during which Kashgar was taken, and the Manchoo forces routed.

As the Emperor talked Manchoo only, and as there was no one present who could even interpret Manchoo into English, the imperial interpreter condescending only to interpret Manchoo into ordinary Chinese which had to be reinterpreted, it was not within his Imperial Majesty's power to have much conversation with his neighbours.

Ah! if you knew how easy the life is an adorable dolce far niente between folding screens in the quietude of the yamens. The cares of business trouble us little; the cares of politics trouble us less. Think! Since Fou Hi, the first emperor in 2950, a contemporary of Noah, we are in the twenty-third dynasty. Now it is Manchoo; what it is to be next what matters?

The only orgies which the emperor seemed desirous of maintaining, were feasts for the promotion of Manchoo union; on which occasions, the Manchoos assembled to eat meat without rice in order to maintain the recollection of their Nimrodic origin and to drink an intoxicating liquor made of mare's milk.