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Anne and let you know what arrangements I've been able to make. So do as I tell you now, and in Heaven's name let me look after myself." Whereupon, with scant ceremony, he hustled the old man out of the room. Pere Lenegre had contrived to kiss petite maman and Rosette before he went. It was touching to see the perfect confidence with which these simple-hearted folk obeyed the commands of milor.

Louisette was sad, Ma'am Mouton sighed now and then, Sylves' was constrained. "Maman," he said at length, "I am goin' away." Ma'am Mouton dropped her fork and stared at him with unseeing eyes; then, as she comprehended his remark, she put her hand out to him with a pitiful gesture. "Sylves'!" cried Louisette, springing to her feet.

The child was nearly as tall as the woman, she could have struck back, but instead she ran. She fled down the stairway, her angry breath coming in choking gasps. She flung herself against the door of her mother's room. "Maman! Maman!" she screamed. And that was where the Major found her. "I hate hate hate Mademoiselle!" And down the stair came the thin visaged French woman crying.

Sometimes on the spring nights when the tender breezes let the half-awakened wistaria flutter outside her window, she would blow out all her candles and lean far across the sill and stare at her unfinished garden. And when the house was still, oh, heart-breakingly still, she would kneel beside the bed and whisper, "Let's pretend! Let's pretend we're back in your room, Maman!

"But maman is difficult to please," she added with her enchanting artlessness, "as difficult as I myself, monsieur. I wish to fall in love like the American girls. Maman says it is not necessary, but I am half American, so, why not?

"You have not told me, maman," she said, "whether I am looking my best to-day. I want Norman to be a little surprised when he sees me. If you saw me for the first time to-day, would you think me nice?" "I should think you the very queen of beauty," was the truthful answer. A pleased smile curved the lovely, scarlet lips. "So will Norman.

"I beat Gaston, maman, six out of ten shots." "But two arrows broke. They were good for nothing," interrupted the second boy. "And can't Antoine take us out fishing " the boy stopped and came close to Jeanne, wonderingly. "This is Mademoiselle Jeanne," their mother said, "Robert and Gaston. Being twins there is no elder."

Every day Volodya besought his maman not to go to the Shumihins', and drew a picture of the humiliating part she played with these gentlefolk.

With the thought, "I have done her wrong," she crossed the threshold and forced herself to look at her, forced herself to smile. Varvara Pavlovna went to meet her directly she caught sight of her, and bowed to her slightly, but still respectfully. "Allow me to introduce myself," she began in an insinuating voice, "your maman is so indulgent to me that I hope that you too will be... good to me."

He himself loved the "beau ideal" in all things; he loved the poetry of Lord Byron, the painting of Gericault, the music of Rossini, the novels of Walter Scott. "Every one to his taste, maman," he would say; "but your trey does hang fire terribly." "It will turn up, and you will be rich, and my little Bixiou as well."