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Everyone enjoyed it and wished to see it again everyone but the Maloneys. They said it was a swindle, and ran Dad down because he did n't divide with Paddy the 3s. 6d. he took at the door. When Joe Was In Charge. Joe was a naturalist.

"Bridgy!" he cried, "where's th' childer?" Mrs. Maloney gathered them up. Just then Dad seemed to be dreaming. He swayed about. His head hung lower, and he muttered, "Shen'l'm'n, yoush disharged wish shanksh y'cun'ry." The Maloneys left.

They could n't hit on a suitable one, and Kate would n't have anything that was n't nice, till at last Dad thought of one that pleased everybody "Jim!" After supper, Kate started playing the concertina, and the Andersons and Maloneys and several others dropped in. Dad was pleased to see them; he wished them all a merry Christmas, and they wished him the same and many of them.

Bingo Little for a time before coming to Brinkley, and no doubt he picked up a good deal from Bingo. Before that, he had been a couple of years with an American family at Nice and had studied under their chauffeur, one of the Maloneys of Brooklyn. So, what with Bingo and what with Maloney, he is, as I say, fluent but a bit mixed. He spoke, in part, as follows: "Hot dog! You ask me what is it?

"Oh! that's all right," Dad said, and passed them all in without taking any money. Next came the Maloneys, and, as Paddy belonged to the circus, they also walked in without paying, and secured front seats. Then Jim Brown and Sam Holmes, and Walter Nutt, and Steve Burton, and eight others strolled along. Dad owed all of them money for binding, which they happened to remember.

Davies has been cheated right and left by those people, but in any event you cannot keep up two establishments. Break up the house at Scott at once, let her come out with my people and leave the Maloneys and Barnickel and Scott behind. Let my Braska banker be yours for the present. A few mouths here will float you well above water."