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They had no interest in the business in the garage, and they were not at all concerned in the success of Hillyard's excursion. That a stranger should carry away with him pleasant recollections of the beauties of Mallorca, was a matter of supreme indifference to them all. But they were engaged in the favourite pursuit of the Spaniards of the towns.

"FONDA FORGET-WHAT, ALCUDIA, MALLORCA, "Tuesday morning, 1.37 a.m. "MOST WORTHY SEÑORES, Once more let me write 'Hereingefallen, and if two of you fail to appreciate its delicate and subtle import, I am sure that the polyglot Mr. Michael Cospatric will courteously interpret. "Your arrival here came to me, I own, as a trifling surprise. I had not expected such pressing attention.

As an old friend of your father's, and one who moved and lived in neighbourly intercourse with him before your birth, and before the deplorable death of your mother, I now waive ceremony, and beg that you and your uncle will come and take tea with me this afternoon at my humble abode in the 'Calle de la Paz. Believe me, dear Miss Challoner, yours very sincerely, "CIPRIANI DE LLOSETA DE MALLORCA."

A high police official in one great town said of him: "For endurance and activity there is no one like José Medina between the sea and the Pyrenees. You think him safe in Mallorca and look! He lands one morning from the steamer, jumps into a motor-car, and in five minutes whish! he is gone like the smoke of my cigarette.

Henceforth he was going to live, concentrating all his enthusiasm and ideals on the mission which he had imposed on himself. He took the boat directly from Marseilles to the Cape of San Antonio far from the coast, keeping to the mid-Mediterranean, without passing the Gulf of Lyons. One twilight evening the crew saw some bluish mountains in the hazy distance, the island of Mallorca.

They remembered decorations in Catalonia, Cantabria, Mallorca, Burgos, Valencia, and sought to imitate them; having neither exactitude nor artistic qualities to fit them for their task. No amount of kindliness can soften this decision.

The Count met his eyes and nodded gravely. With a little nod and a sudden pleasant smile the other returned to the perusal of his evening paper. Cipriani de Lloseta drew forward a deep chair, and with a courteous gesture invited Fitz to be seated. He took a similar chair himself, and then leant forward, cigar-case in hand. "You know Mallorca," he said. Fitz took a cigar.

DOÑA MATILDE. Entonces también temblaría usted, porque es bien seguro que tampoco habrá usted tomado nada. DON EDUARDO. , por cierto; he tomado, según mi costumbre, una jícara de chocolate, con sus correspondientes bollos y pan de Mallorca. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Chocolate y pan de Mallorca en un día como éste! DON EDUARDO. ¿Es requisito acaso el pedir la novia en ayunas?

But you know Mallorca you have seen for yourself." The captain was not listening; he was looking at the modest lodging- house sideboard. "I was wondering," he explained, with a transparent simplicity which was perhaps as good as that which is called good breeding, "whether you would take a glass of sherry wine." "I should like nothing better," said the Count.

Chance had offered her assistance some months later in an hotel at Madrid; as Medina was now to explain. "The day after you left Mallorca," said José Medina, "it was known all over Palma that you had come to visit me." "Of course," answered Martin. "I was in consequence approached almost immediately, by the other side." "I expected that. It was only natural."