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Those whom he excluded or patronized, maligned; those to whom he was genial, loved him. Mr. Southey, in all sincerity, regarded him as the principle of Evil incarnate; an American writer of tracts in the form of stories is of the same opinion: to the Countess Guiccioli he is an archangel. Mr. Carlyle considers him to have been a mere "sulky dandy."

"Ever since I've been on this ship you've been trying to aggravate me. I wonder the men don't hit you, you nasty, ginger-whiskered little man." "Go on with your work," said the skipper, fondly stroking the maligned whiskers. "Don't you talk to me, Jim Harris," said Mrs. Blossom, quivering with wrath. "Don't you give ME none of your airs.

Answer me here in return, Clive. Have I ever disguised from any of my friends the regard I have for you? Why should I? Have not I taken your part when you were maligned? In former days, when when Lord Kew asked me, as he had a right to do then I said it was as a brother I held you; and always would.

The second of the three just mentioned, which is the shortest, gives us the story of a woman who, after losing her fourteenth lover, succeeds in getting a fifteenth, d'Arthez, to believe her virtuous and a sort of saint maligned by envy. There is cleverness and to spare in the way the wiles of this sly jade are related, and falsehood shown as a fine art in the service of passional love.

It served as outpost for a squadron of United States cavalry, and the troopers daily maligned the Government which had sent them into that desolation on police duty. There was nothing else visible but a few dusky groves of willows and the dazzling snow.

"Euphrasia," he said, you're not exactly a politician, I believe." "Well," said Euphrasia, "I've be'n maligned a good many times, but nobody ever went that far." Mr. Gaylord shook with laughter. "Then I guess there's no harm in confiding political secrets to you," he said.

A moment of the thought caused him a sigh, but he was in the seventh heaven when she told him the first letter she had written when she left the convent was for him. He had maligned her in thinking the past had no meaning for her. For who was so faithful to her friends?

Dupleix was shabbily treated by France. He received but little support from the mother country; the vast sums he had expended from his private resources in prosecuting the war were never refunded to him; he was consistently maligned by the jealous and treacherous La Bourdonnais, and after his recall to France in 1754 his services to his country were never recognised, and he died in poverty.

Small had disappeared; "I will revenge myself!" "Ah?" said Jacques, settling himself in the saddle and smiling languidly. "Yes; you're afraid to remain." "No, no," remonstrated Jacques. "You are, sir! I challenge you to return; you have basely maligned my character. And that duel!

Not only, however, has modern science thus put itself at the service of romance, by supplying it with its various magic machinery of communication, but modern thought that much maligned bugbear of timorous minds has generated an atmosphere increasingly favourable to and sympathetic with the romantic expression of human nature in all its forms.