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"Twenty minutes' time." "We have the information from one of the malgamiters themselves, who knows the time and the place, but he is tipsy. He is in a carriage outside the station." "How tipsy?" asked Major White; and both his hearers shrugged their shoulders. "How can we tell you that?" snapped Mrs. Vansittart; and Major White dropped his glass from his eye.

"He is not here, but I parted from him a couple of hours ago on the Vyverberg. He was going down to the works." "Then he never got there," said Dorothy. "I have had nearly all the malgamiters at the Villa des Dunes. They are in open rebellion, and if Percy had been there they would have killed him. They have heard a report that Herr von Holzen is dead. Is it true?" "Yes. Von Holzen is dead."

"Of course," Joan was saying to Marguerite, as he joined them, "there are, as your father says, two sides to the question. If papa and Tony and Major White withdraw their names and abandon the poor malgamiters now, there will be no help for the miserable wretches. They will all drift back to the cheaper and more poisonous way of making malgamite.

"The house," he said placidly, "is still watched, but I have no doubt that Tony has outwitted them all. Creil arrived last night, and seems a capable man. He tells me that half of the malgamiters are in jail at The Hague for intoxication and uproariousness last night. He is selecting those he wants, and the rest he will send to their homes.

At length White rose to his feet agilely enough, and crept to the brow of the dune. The men were evidently moving. Mrs. Vansittart and Dorothy ascended the bank to the spot just vacated by White. Only a few dozen yards away they could see the black forms of the malgamiters grouped together under the covert of a low hillock. Hidden from their sight, Major White was slowly stalking them.

Like many of her contemporaries, she was troubled by an intense desire to do her duty, coupled with an unfortunate lack of duties to perform. "I wish you would tell me what you think," she said. "Seems to me," said White, "that your duty is clear enough." "Yes?" "Yes. Drop the Malgamiters and the Haberdashers and all that, and marry me." But Joan only shook her head sadly.