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Then came the great expedition under Major-Gen, Wolfe, a most worthy and high-spirited young officer, which left Louisburg for the capture of Quebec, "the Gibraltar of America." The attempt of Wolfe to storm the heights in front of the city, which were defended by the army of Montcalm, failed of success.

I hope he will receive the promotion to which his merits entitle him, that of a field-officer in a colored regiment. "GEORGE STONEMAN, Major-Gen., Com'g. Corps. "That from General Judah is equally as commendatory. If the one refers to his bravery on the Peninsula, the other testifies equally to his daring during the war:

Mihiel to the Moselle River the line was roughly forty miles long and situated on commanding ground greatly strengthened by artificial defenses. Joseph T. Dickman, in line to Xivray, were to swing toward Vigneulles on the pivot of the Moselle River for the initial assault. From Xivray to Mouilly the 2d Colonial French Corps was in line in the center, and our 5th Corps, under command of Major-Gen.

On the 11th I wrote: COLD HARBOR, VA., June 11, 1864. MAJOR-GEN. B. F. BUTLER, Commanding Department of Va. and N. C. The movement to transfer this army to the south side of the James River will commence after dark to-morrow night. Col.

The river was too shallow for the war-vessels to go up to the point where the ram was being built, and the channel at Hatteras Inlet was not deep enough for iron-clads to be brought in to compete with the enemy when finished. The naval authorities repeatedly urged the army to send an expedition to burn the boat; but Major-Gen.

On the 11th I wrote: COLD HARBOR, VA., June 11, 1864. MAJOR-GEN. B. F. BUTLER, Commanding Department of Va. and N. C. The movement to transfer this army to the south side of the James River will commence after dark to-morrow night. Col.

The great wealth-winners, the only fame-achievers, the sole objects worthy of a soldier's consideration, are beefsteaks, gunpowder, and cold iron. Such were our numbers: Ladies 74 Troops and artillerymen 40 Other non-combatants 11 MAJOR-GEN. O'G. GAHAGAN 1000 1,125

"It is not to be supposed that the inclining of the axes of Jupiter, Venus, the Earth, and the other planets, is now fixed; in some cases it is known to be changing. As long ago as 1890, Major-Gen. When this improvement was mooted, all agreed that the EXTREMES of heat and cold could well be spared.

Less than a month after the weary Emancipator passed to his rest, his successor assigned Major-Gen. Oliver O. Howard to duty as Commissioner of the new Bureau. He was a Maine man, then only thirty-five years of age. He had marched with Sherman to the sea, had fought well at Gettysburg, and but the year before had been assigned to the command of the Department of Tennessee.

They arrived in New Orleans a week after the capture of that city by the expedition under the command of Major-Gen. B. F. Butler. But how changed was society since Clotelle had last set feet in the Crescent City!