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The sun-father stands surrounded by all these elements and beings; he fixes his blissful magic gaze upon the nourishing maize-plants, that they may grow and that their ripe fruit may sustain the tribe. Thus much for the allegory on the wall.

Now as these little bushes require a humid atmosphere, maize-plants are sown between the rows to protect them from the sun. In other places arbours of palm-leaves are constructed over the coca-plants. When no rain falls, they are watered every five or six days. After about two and a half years of this nursing, the coca-bush is ready for use, and it is the leaves alone that are valuable.

Now as these little bushes require a humid atmosphere, maize-plants are sown between the rows to protect them from the sun. In other places arbours of palm-leaves are constructed over the coca-plants. When no rain falls, they are watered every five or six days. After about two and a half years of this nursing, the coca-bush is ready for use, and it is the leaves alone that are valuable.

Although within easy range of my rifle, the foul birds took no heed of my movements; but sat still, indolently extending their broad wings to the sun now and then one coming, one going, in slow silent flight their very shadows seeming to flit lazily among the withered maize-plants that covered the ground. I had no desire to appear rude. I already regretted having leaped my horse over the bars.

Shyuote, frightened at his wild and menacing attitude, and ignorant of the real cause of his brother's excitement, raised his hand to his forehead and began to sob. A shout coming from the immediate vicinity aroused and startled Okoya. A voice called out to him, "Umo!" He looked around in surprise. They were standing close to the cultivated plots, and a man loomed up from between the maize-plants.

In less than two minutes after the crowd disappeared under the shelter of the maize-plants, the long heads in their husks were seen showering out towards the line, as if flung by the hand of man!

The rude hut seems at once transformed into a palace the dead trunks become Corinthian columns carved out of white marble their stiff branches appear to bend gracefully over, like the leaves of the recurrent acanthus and the enclosure of carelessly tended maize-plants assumes the aspect of some fair garden of the Hesperides! The explanation is easy.

Both he and all his people were anticipating pleasant feasts of maize-bread, and "hominy," with "mash and milk" and various other dishes, that with Totty's skill could be manufactured out of the Indian corn. About this time an incident occurred that nearly deprived them, not only of their whole plot of maize-plants, but also of their valuable housekeeper, Totty. It was as follows.

A portion of it, however, showed signs of cultivation a patch here and there on which stood some maize-plants, irregularly set and badly hoed, and between their stems the trailing tendrils of the melon and calabash. It was a true squatter's plantation.

Truey, and Jan, and Totty, saw, to their dismay, that the baboons were not out upon an idle errand. They were after the maize-plants! In a few minutes most of the troop had entered the corn-field, and were hidden from view by the tall stems and broad leaves of the plants.