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"Ze Frenchman like, wat was this you call him, ze fair play; and ve could not prevent to put some fingers in tose pies. Ver glad you was not have the head broke," replied M. Rubempré, with another native flourish. "Mais, wat for de canaille make ze war on you, saire? You was certainment un gentleman ver respectable." Mr.

Nazareth n'est qu'un autre gros village bâti entre deux montagnes; mais le lieu l'ange Gabriel vint annoncer

I remember one thing he said: Monsieur, ce que fait la fortune de la banque ce n'est pas le petit avantage qu'elle tire du refait quoique cela y est pour quelquechose c'est la te'me'rite' de ceux qui perdent, et la timidite' de ceux qui gagnent." "And," says Vizard, "there is a French proverb founded on experience: "C'est encore rouge qui perd, Et encore noir. Mais toujours blanc qui gagne."

M. Renan says of the Maabed, or main shrine at Amrith: "L'aspect general de l'edifice est Egyptian, mais avec une certaine part d'originalite. Le bandeau et la corniche sur les quatre cotes de la stalle superiere en sont le seul ornement.

"Mais mais " he puffed and panted like a very old and fat person trying to persuade a bicycle to climb a hill "mais vous avez de la chance!" "I suppose I have," I said without enthusiasm. "Mais mais parfaitement vous avez de la chance uh-ah uh-ah parceque comprenez-vous votre camarade ah-ah a attrape prison!" "Uh-ah!" I said wearily. "Whereas," continued Monsieur, "you haven't.

Didn't somebody once describe him as a sort of sensual Christ? He, too, was after the commercant's wife. And didn't he select her as the subject of his licentious verses reassure yourself, reader, licentious merely from the point of view of prosody. "Ta nuque est de santal sur les vifs frissons d'or. Mais c'est une autre, que j'adore."

The inside accommodations were so arranged, that we sat back to back, and nearly neck and heels together, after swarming up a sort of dresser or sounding-board in the rear, which afforded the most practicable entrance. "Mais montez, montez, Messieurs, vous y serez parfaitement bien," quoth our civil conducteur, haranguing, handing, and shoving at the same time.

"Oui," answered Sitgreaves, "faut-il attendre longtemps?" "Mais non, monsieur, un petit moment. Elle habite en face. Je vais envoyer le garçon la chercher tout de suite. Et pour monsieur, votre ami?" "Je ne desire rien," I replied. Marcel bowed humbly.... "Comme monsieur voudra." Then a doubt assailed him. "Peut-être que la petite Polonaise vous suffira

He had invited Monsieur Berger, Monsieur Pollock, Monsieur Mais enfin des Messieurs! he exclaimed with a comical emphasis and smile that brought vivid recollections of the other party before my eyes, by force of contrast, I suppose. And wasn't I sorry we had left! We fairly condoled with each other.

"And who should be, mon petite chou, if not thou?" returned the old woman with conviction. "Of course they love thee! Mais bien sur! Doest thou not dance for them as none else can dance and give them angel visions that they could not imagine for themselves?" She paused. Then thrusting her hand suddenly into the pocket of her apron and producing a card: "Tiens! I forgot! Monsieur Davilof waits.