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Seneca long ago made the right criticism. Hoc maiores nostri questi sunt, hoc nos querimur, hoc posteri nostri querentur, eversos esse mores.... At ista stant loco eodem. Ristelhuber, 2 vols., 1879. But if we are to judge by past experience, does it not follow that this modern age must go the same way as the great ages of the past which it rivals or even surpasses?

Even when, on the institution of the praetorship, the idea rose of apportioning special functions to the -magistratus maiores-, this division of powers had more of a practical than of a strictly legal force; the -praetor urbanus- was primarily indeed the supreme judge, but he could also convoke the centuries, at least for certain cases, and could command an army; the consul in the city held primarily the supreme administration and the supreme command, but he too acted as a judge in cases of emancipation and adoption the functional indivisibility of the supreme magistracy was therefore, even in these instances, very strictly adhered to on both sides.

GALLUM: consul in 157 B.C., famous as an astronomer and as the first Roman who predicted an eclipse before the battle of Pydna. See Liv. 44, 37. DESCRIBERE: technically used of the drawing of mathematical figures. Ingredior often has an infinitive dependent on it even in the best Latin; e.g. Cic. Top. 1 nos maiores res scribere ingressos. ACUTIS: requiring keenness of intellect.

Ita quantum spatium aetatis maiores ad senectutis initium esse voluerunt, tantus illi cursus honorum fuit; atque huius extrema aetas hoc beatior quam media, quod auctoritatis habebat plus, laboris minus; apex est autem senectutis auctoritas. 61 Quanta fuit in L. Caecilio Metello, quanta in A. Atilio Calatino!

Even when, on the institution of the praetorship, the idea rose of apportioning special functions to the -magistratus maiores-, this division of powers had more of a practical than of a strictly legal force; the -praetor urbanus- was primarily indeed the supreme judge, but he could also convoke the centuries, at least for certain cases, and could command an army; the consul in the city held primarily the supreme administration and the supreme command, but he too acted as a judge in cases of emancipation and adoption the functional indivisibility of the supreme magistracy was therefore, even in these instances, very strictly adhered to on both sides.

Et quoniam per cattos capi non possunt, capiuntur per canes maiores. Corpora mortuoram non sepeliuntur ibi, nec cadauera quaelibet bestiarum operiuntur, quod ad aeris aestum carnes in breui tempore consumuntur, nam et tota insula consistit sub zona torrida.

Scholarum Mathematicarum, maiorem doctorum hominum et operum proventum seculo uno vidimus quam totis antea 14 seculis maiores nostri viderent. He visited the East, brought back oriental MSS., and was more than once imprisoned on charges of heresy.

Never have patriotism, tradition, order, expediency, been so powerfully represented as there; never have change, passion, or fear had so little place. We can well believe that every effective speech began with the words, so familiar to us, maiores nostri voluerunt, and that it ended as it had begun.