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A flood of humiliation, indeed, rushed in upon him, as he recalled his effort, while Melrose was away in August, to make at least some temporary improvement in the condition of the Mainstairs cottages secretly out of his own money by the help of the cottagers themselves.

"Theer's noa house to be had nearer than Pengarth yo' know that yoursen an' how are we to be waakin' fower mile to our work i' t' mornin', an' fower mile back i' t' evening? Why, we havena got t' strength! It isna exactly a health resort yo' ken Mainstairs!"

It was evident that there was unemployment as well as disease in the village, and that the neighbouring farms, where there were young children, were cutting themselves off, as much as they could, from the Mainstairs infection, by dismissing the Mainstairs men. Faversham meanwhile again implored Lydia to go home. "This whole place reeks with infection. You ought not to be here."

Melrose had been peremptorily asked for a subscription to the fund raised, and had replied in his own handwriting that owing to the heavy expenses he had been put to by the behaviour of his Mainstairs tenants, as reported to him by his agent, Mr. Faversham, he must respectfully decline.

"The system's judged that permits the man." "Melrose is unique," said Barton, hotly; "we are a model county, but for the Melrose estate." "But the exception is damning! It compromises you all. That such a place as Mainstairs should be possible that's the point!" "For you Socialists, I daresay!" cried Barton. "The rest of us know better than to expect a perfect world!"

A long lane, shaded by heavy trees, made an abrupt turning, and he saw before him the Mainstairs village one straggling street of wretched houses, mostly thatched, and built of "clay-lump," whitewashed.

"No one could ask you to do any more," said Tatham heartily, repenting himself a little. "They will be with us for the present. Mrs. Melrose shall write you a full statement and you will reply to Duddon?" "By all means." "There are a good many other things," said Tatham uncertainly as he lingered, hat in hand "that you and I might discuss Mainstairs, for instance!

But she was triumphantly certain of him and his power. What Susy said to her unwillingness to go south was partly true. She would have liked to stay and watch the progress of things on the Melrose estates; to be at hand if Mr. Faversham wanted her. She thought of Mainstairs that dying girl the sickly children the helpless old people. Indignant pity gripped her.

"Last week the sight of Mainstairs and the horrible suffering there got on my nerves. I sat down and wrote to Melrose peremptorily demanding a proper supply of antitoxin at once, at his expense. A post-card from him arrived, refusing, and bidding me apply to a Socialist government.

Again a corner in the Mainstairs churchyard, filled with small, crowded graves, barely grass-grown; the "Innocents' Corner."