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In their relations with each other, these people are completely different." "What about the magter, the upper-class types who build castles and are causing all this trouble?" "I have no explanation," Dr. Stine admitted. "My theories hold water and seem logical enough up to this point. But the magter are the exception, and I have no idea why.

He stood up and his hand went to his mouth; air hissed faintly through the tube in his hand. Without a sound the magter folded and fell to the ground. Before the body hit, Ulv crouched low and rushed in. There was the sudden scuffling of feet on the floor, then silence. Brion walked in, gun ready and alert, not knowing what he would find.

There must have been other stairs and exits, because one of the magter stood between Brion and the way down out of this trap armed and ready to kill him if he tried to pass. As he ran towards the executioner, Brion flicked on his collar radio and shouted into it. "I'm in trouble here. Can you " The guards in the car must have been waiting for this message.

I told you we hit this rock once before. I know the layout inside." He was moving while he talked, carefully pacing the distance around the base of the tower. "Should be right about here." High-pitched keening sliced the air and the top of the magter building burst into flame. Automatic weapons hammered above them. Something fell silently through the night and hit heavily on the ground near them.

Telt asked. "Who was that talked in the window?" "A native that one up ahead. He saved my life in the desert, and I think he is on our side. Even though he's a native Disan, he can understand facts that the magter can't. He knows what will happen to this planet." Brion was talking to fill his brain with words so he wouldn't begin to have hope. There was no hope possible.

After that it was just a matter of following tracks and the transmitter you planted." "But the explosions at midnight?" Brion broke in. "I heard them!" "You were supposed to," Hys laughed. "Not only you, but the magter in this cave. We figured they would be armed and the cave strongly defended. So at midnight we dropped a few large chemical explosive bombs at the entrance.

They will kill the brain-symbiotes, even if it means killing every magter who harbors one." "If that is the case we can't leave now," Brion said. With these words it suddenly became clear what he had to do. "The ship is coming down now from the fleet. Get in it and take the body of the magter. I won't go." "Where will you be?" she asked, shocked. "Fighting the magter.

Even through the speaker the man's voice was cold with ill-concealed hatred. "Who is Lig-magte? And did the former director ever return from seeing him?" "Magte is a title that means roughly noble or lord. Lig-magte is the local overlord. He has an ugly stoneheap of a building just outside the city. He seems to be the mouthpiece for the group of magter that are pushing this idiotic war.

"But it is not that easy. I'll need some help. It is your life that needs saving yours and your families'. If you would help me " "What is the truth?" Ulv broke in savagely. "All I hear is difference, and there is no longer any way to tell truth. For as long as always we have done as the magter say. We bring them food and they give us the metal and sometimes water when we need it.

"The Nyjorders can't bring themselves to kill any more, even if it does raise their own casualty rate. In fact, they are having difficulty restraining the Disans led by Ulv, who are happily killing any magter they see as being pure umedvirk." "What will they do when they have all those frothing magter madmen?" "They don't know yet," he said.