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There is another manner. The Spirit comes upon the soul in waves of terrible power. Now in a rapture God descends upon the soul, catching her suddenly up in a marvellous embrace: magnetising her, ravishing her. He is come, and He is gone.

After the first passes, you may dispense with putting your hands upon the head, and may make the subsequent passes upon the arms, beginning at the shoulders, and upon the body, beginning at the stomach." Such was the process of magnetising recommended by Deleuze.

The walls were veined with what appeared to be irregular bands of dirty crystal, pricked with glittering yellow. There were, perhaps, a thousand of these little points bared from the jealous earth, and they shone with a steady baleful glare, magnetising six youthful eyes, stirring in three careless brains the ghosts of ancient gold-lust, whose concrete substance lay in the marble vaults of Spain.

His sufferings are violent, and I am glad to see them, it shows that his vital energy is returning. Repose is a symptom of death, pain is a sign of life. Let us go on with our magnetising. These long passes from the temples to the shoulders work wonders.

We are convinced successfully that Anne wishes to marry Tanner, but in the very process we lose all power of conceiving why Tanner should ever consent to marry Anne. A writer with a more romantic strain in him might have imagined a woman choosing her lover without shamelessness and magnetising him without fraud. Even if the first movement were feminine, it need hardly be a movement like this.

Mary, among her multifarious reading, notes an article by Medwin on Animal Magnetism, and Shelley, who suffered severely at this time, shortly afterwards tried its effect through Medwin. The latter bored Mary excessively; possibly she found the magnetising a wearisome operation, although Shelley is said to have been relieved by it. His highly nervous temperament was evidently impressed.

Meanwhile, instead of going to sleep, the subjects of the experiment were straining their eyes. "Up to the present," said Foureau, "it is not funny. Begin. I am going away for a minute." And he came back smoking an Abd-el-Kader, the last that was left from the gate with the pipes. Pécuchet recalled to mind an admirable method of magnetising.

She broke into a low merry laugh which a little disconcerted him. "You mock me?" he said quickly "think me insincere, unscrupulous? Well, I dare say! But you have no right to mock me. Last year, again and again, you promised me guerdon. Now it has come to paying and I claim!" His low distinct voice in her ear had a magnetising effect upon her.

Then he declaimed against magnetism "a heap of juggleries, whose effects came only from the imagination." However, animals are magnetised. Montacabère so states, and M. Fontaine succeeded in magnetising a lion. They had not a lion, but chance had offered them another animal.

Why is it that the magnetising of the needle causes it to turn to the north?" I answer humbly, "I cannot tell;" but, further, I assert confidently, "Neither can anybody else." The fact is known, and we see its result; but the reason why magnetised steel or iron should have this tendency, this polarity, is one of the mysteries which man has not yet been able to penetrate, and probably never will.