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In theTurba philosophorum” “the woman is called Magnesia, the white, the man is called red, sulphur.” Morienus says. “Our stone is like the creation of man. Both constituents come from one root. Therefore the authors inform us that the stone is an only one. If we call the mattermercury,” we therefore generally speak of a doubled mercury that yet is only one. Id.

P. got himself analysed that day by Dr. ALLEN, and he was found to consist principally of carbonate of Lime; Silicate of Potassa; Iodide of Magnesia; and Chloride of Sodium; with a strong trace of Sulphate of Strontia. At night, however, he was able to attend the hop in the grand saloon. For a time Mr. P. danced with one girl right along.

"I am about returning to Magnesia. My father may the prayers of the Prophet, almighty with God, preserve him from long suffering! is fast falling into weakness of body and mind.

In the valley of the Hermus, near Magnesia at the foot of Mount Sipylus not far from Smyrna, the Roman troops fell in with the enemy late in the autumn of 564.

XI. Thus affluent and thus honoured, Themistocles passed at Magnesia the remainder of his days the time and method of his death uncertain; whether cut off by natural disease, or, as is otherwise related , by a fate than which fiction itself could have invented none more suited to the consummation of his romantic and great career.

But Antiochus, irritated by the presumably intentional arrogance of his antagonist, and too indolent for any persevering and consistent warfare, hastened with the utmost eagerness to expose his unwieldy, but unequal, and undisciplined mass of an army to the shock of the Roman legions. Battle of Magnesia

Mere acidity of the milk can be counteracted for the moment by the addition of lime-water, or by stirring up with it a small quantity of prepared chalk, which may be allowed to subside to the bottom of the vessel; or if it should happen, though indeed that is rarely the case in these circumstances, that the child is constipated, carbonate of magnesia may be substituted for the chalk or lime-water.

They are: Distillation, carbonate of soda, boiling, lime. Of these processes the first and second are the most effective, but owing to their expense are not applicable on a large scale. The third and fourth processes are efficient only with certain classes of water, rendered hard by the presence of the bicarbonate of lime, magnesia, or iron.

There are quite a lot of broken magnesia bottles and old shinbones scattered through it, and they ought to help along. The topsoil and the humus may be a little mixed, but we are not going to sort them out by hand. Our method is to go out at twilight the first Sunday in April, about the time the cutworms go to roost, and take a sharp-pointed stick.

Not only had western Asia been lost in consequence of the battle of Magnesia; the total emancipation of the two Cappadocias and the two Armenias Armenia proper in the northeast and the region of Sophene in the south-west and their conversion from principalities dependent on Syria into independent kingdoms also belong to this period.