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She will weepe Even at your name; breath miriads of sighes; Wring her hands thus; demonstrate all the signes Of a destracted lover; that in pitty, Though I did love you well, I have transferd My right to her, and charge you by all ties That you affect her with the same true zeale Which you did me, and ift be possible, Purer and better. Tho. This is the strangest madnes I ere heard of. Thu.

If with Mimique Gestures you'le keep you from sadnes, Then drinke lusty Clarett twill put you in Madnes; And then to settle you no hopes in Beer But wholesome Potts of Scotch ale though its deere. Cap. But looke you, Child, you say the Divells white in your Song. You have beene ill catechiz'd, Boy, for a White Divell is but a poeticall fiction ; for the Divell, God bless us, Child, is blacke.

No creature else Could have inducd me to such a madnes. Bel. My disgrace Was wrong sufficient to tempt mercie, yet Cause twas my owne I pardond it; but this Inferd toth piety of my guiltless mother Stops all indulgence. Bon. Will you not heare me out? Bel. Bon. Contempt repaid with scorne; tis my desert; Poyson soone murders a love wounded heart. Enter Belisea, Clariana and Thorowgood. Bel.

To spend my selfe to nothing and be laugh'd at By all the world when I shall come at last To this reward for all my services, To bee your lay Court Chaplaine and say gravely A hastie grace before your windowes breakfast. Sis. But how Came you thus cur'd? What phisick tooke you that hath thus restor'd you? Cou. A little sack had power to cure this madnes. Sis.