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MacQueen cut in suavely: "I reckon this is the time for announcements. Boys, Miss Lee has promised to marry me." Before the stir which this produced had died away, Flatray flashed a question: "In exchange for my life?" The chief of the outlaws looked at him with insolence smoldering in his black eyes. "Now, I wonder when you ever will learn to mind your own business, sheriff!

A quick step crunched the gravel behind Melissy. She did not need to look around to know that here was Black MacQueen. "What's this what's this, Hank?" he demanded sharply. "The young lady started to come up and speak to old Sit-in-the-Sun. I was just explaining to her how crazy the old squaw is," Jeff answered with a grin. "Oh! Is that all?" MacQueen turned to Melissy.

MacQueen nodded. "Knocked out a cloak-room. Our fight here's for space. Profits get smaller all the time...." "H'm.... You figured the strain, I suppose. Your floor looks weak." "Oh, it'll stand it," said the man, shortly. "This way." Carlisle wondered if the weak floor was what her friend Vivian had meant when he said, in his extreme way, that the Works might fall down some day.

When he lifted it again, it was pale, not with fear but with resolution, for he had made up his mind like a gentleman. 'Mr. Angus MacQueen, he said, 'will you give me your daughter to be my wife? 'If you kill the kelpie, I will, answered Angus; for he knew that the man who could do that would be worthy of his Nelly." "But what if the kelpie ate him?" suggested Allister.

I'm not in the habit of hurting young ladies." MacQueen swung on his heel insolently and knocked on the door of a cabin near. "Don't forget that I'm here when you need me," Boone told Melissy in a low voice. "I'll not forget," the girl made answer in a murmur. The wrinkled face of a Mexican woman appeared presently at a window. MacQueen jabbered a sentence or two in her language.

"Well, I ain't particular about the word I use." MacQueen leaned against the side of his horse, his arm thrown across its neck, and laughed in slow maliciousness. "Execute is the word I use, though if you want to know." He had made no motion toward his weapon, nor had O'Connor; but the latter knew without looking that he was covered vigilantly by both of the other men.

But don't you think you could stop a moment, and say just a word to MacQueen or to your father if he is in?..." Now was the moment to demolish the irrepressible fanatic, who seemed incapable of understanding that his betters wanted none of him. And strange, oh, strange!

He, too, was a miscreant and a villain, lost to honor and truth, but just now she held his heart in the hollow of her tightly clenched little fist. Good men and bad, at bottom we are all made of the same stuff, once we are down to the primal emotions that go deeper than civilization's veneer. Black MacQueen rolled a cigarette and sauntered toward the other outlaw.

"I said you had the call, didn't I?" "Then ride 'em now, damn you. And don't show up in the Cache till to-morrow night." MacQueen turned on his heel and strutted away. He was elated at his easy victory. If he had seen the look that followed him he might not have been so quiet in his mind. But on the surface he had cinched his leadership.

The witnesses craned forward to see the outlaw embrace his bride. Instead, he reached into his pocket and handed Latimer a bill. The denomination of it was one hundred dollars, but the justice did not discover that until later. "I reckon that squares us," the bad man said unsentimentally. "Now, all of you back to bed." MacQueen and his bride passed out into the night.