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"With Cissie? Cissie Dildine?" "Uh huh." "Why, what makes you think I'm going to do anything with Cissie?" "M-m, visitin' roun'." The fool flung his face into a grimace, and dropped it as one might shake out a sack. Peter watched the contortion uneasily. "What do you mean visiting around?" "Diff'nt folks go visitin' roun'; Some goes up an' some goes down."

"M-m but that'll be fine. I can catch the halyards from here if you'll swing them in a little." "All right be careful. Here you go now." "Let 'em come I got " The first thing we knew of what had happened was when we saw Johnnie's body come pitching down. He struck old Peter first, staggering him, and from there he shot down out of sight.

But he rose, lit a second candle, and led the way out of his warm burrow by a dark hole opposite the one we had entered by, and into a cramped alley where we had to walk bent double. It felt as if it ran a mile before it turned in a sharp right angle. Collins pinched out his light and turned on me. "Just what are you going to do?" "Get Paulette," said I. "M-m," said Collins.

She doesn't know, of course, of his his accident or that he he " Her voice broke with a sob she could not repress. "M-m," purred Uncle John; "where does she live, this young wife?" "At Charleroi." "Well; the Germans are there." "Yes, Uncle. But don't you suppose they would let her come to see her dying husband?" "A young girl, unprotected? Would it be safe?"