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I do not regard the opinions of Europeans as having a more direct bearing upon this question, or as tending to establish any more definite and positive conclusions regarding it than have been developed by the experience of our own border citizens, the major part of whose lives has been spent in the saddle; yet I am confident that the following brief description of the horse equipments used in different parts of Europe, the substance of which I have extracted from Captain M'Clellan's interesting report, will be read with interest and instruction.

Franklin wrote his pretty apologue of the Whistle have we not all made bargains of which we repented, and coveted and acquired objects for which we have paid too dearly! Who has not purchased his hat in some market or other? There is General M'Clellan's cocked hat for example: I dare say he was eager enough to wear it, and he has learned that it is by no means cheerful wear.

What Eusebius bears testimony to is, not his own belief in the canonicity of the fourth Gospel, but its undisputed canonicity, i.e. a historical fact which includes within its range Hegesippus, Papias, &c. Zeit. i. p. 238. Test. extra Can. Recept. Fasc. iv. pp. 19, 20. Routh, Reliquiae Sacrae, i. p. 281 ad fin. M'Clellan's recent Harmony I notice only two deviations from the order in St.

But the article is good, and all the facts alleged are perfectly true. Lincoln was very weak in this business, the tool without knowing it of Stanton and Halleck. The author sometimes closes his eyes to M'Clellan's faults, which, though they do not excuse Lincoln, impartiality will not permit us to ignore.