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Archivio di Psichiatria, 1902, fasc. ii-iii, p. 338. In the case of pathological sexuality in a boy of 15, reported by A. MacDonald, and already summarized, the sight of copulating flies is also mentioned among many other causes of sexual excitation. Krafft-Ebing presents or quotes typical cases of all these fetiches, Op. cit., pp. 255-266.

III. fasc. Of these majestic but spoilt works undoubtedly the noblest in design is that of the Death of the Blessed Virgin. The Last Supper is also exceedingly beautiful, and the Incredulity of S. Thomas is a splendid piece of work. But in the course of ages these latter works especially have suffered grievously, as of course has the whole church.

Reverse: S. VENANTIVS DE CAMERI. They are described in the Periodico di Numismatica e Sfragistica per la Storia d'Italia diretto dal March. C. Strozzi, Flor. 1870, A. III, Fascic. ii, 70-77, by G. Amati, and also in A. IV, fasc. vi, 259-265, by M. Santoni. Both writers erroneously describe this Giov.

Most deer, cattle, and sheep are polygamous; as are most antelopes, though some are monogamous. Sir Andrew Smith, in speaking of the antelopes of South Africa, says that in herds of about a dozen there was rarely more than one mature male. Pallas, 'Spicilegia Zoolog., Fasc. xii. 1777, p. 29.

Curtis's Fl. Lond. fasc. 2. Plantae affines. All the Chenopodia grow with this plant wild, and are somewhat alike in appearance; but the Solanum may at all times be distinguished by its disagreeable strong scent.

In the Venice Academy. Archivio, Anno VI., where reproductions of the two are given side by side, fasc. vi. p. 412. Two other repetitions exist, one at Stuttgart, the other in the collection of Sir William Farrer. Gentile died in 1507. Berenson: Venetian Painters, 3rd edition. Daily Telegraph, December 29th, 1899. Even the so-called Pseudo-Basaiti has been separated and successfully diagnosed.

Fracastorius, De Sympathia et Antipathia, Lib. i. cap. 23. See also Vincentius Alsarius, De Invid. et Fasc. Vet., in Graevius, Thes. Rom. Antiq.

See Hilprecht, Babylonian Expedition, Series D, Vol. V, Fasc. 1, plate, Rev., l. 8; the photographic reproduction clearly shows, as Dr. I, pp. 122 ff. The discussion of the meaning of niggilma may best be postponed till the Sixth Column, where we find other references to the word.

M. Léfébure has lately produced a superb and elaborate volume on this tomb, with the whole of the texts and the wall decorations faithfully reproduced: Mémoires publiés par les Membres de la Mission du Caire, Vol. II., fasc. The statues and bas-reliefs which decorated the temples and tombs of Ancient Egypt were for the most part painted.

I need no reference to the Annals of the Seraphic Order part, book and page to convince me. My stone gives them. "Ann. Ord. Min. Tom. cclii. fasc. 3.," and so on. That is but a sorry concession to our short- sightedness. For if we believe not the shrine which we have seen, how shall we believe Giotto? What of Giotto? That is my point.