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"Myra take the baby to the nursery. Evelyn, my dear, we will go up stairs and I will show you your room." Reaching the second floor, Elsie led the way into a spacious, luxuriously-furnished apartment. "This is your room, Eva," she said. "It is just across the hall from your uncle's and mine; so I hope you will not feel lonely or timid.

While the two were thus engaged, I conducted Francesca below, and having indicated to her the small but luxuriously-furnished sleeping cabin of the owner, proposed that she should take possession thereof, and endeavour to recruit her somewhat exhausted energies by procuring, if possible, a few hours' sleep. I then returned to the deck, and found my "crew" in the act of getting up the anchor.

I looked around the luxuriously-furnished room with its air of cosy comfort, of substantial restfulness. "What home?" I asked. "What home! Why, our home, in Detroit." "What is he doing there?" I had become so much in earnest that my voice had assumed unconsciously an authoritative tone. Presumably, it hypnotised her, for she answered my questions as though she had been in the witness-box.

Edward was upstairs, and showed him to a study while he went to tell him of the arrival of his visitor. Mr. Quest glanced round the luxuriously-furnished room, which he saw was occupied by Edward himself, for some letters directed in his handwriting lay upon the desk, and a velveteen lounging coat that Mr. Quest recognised as belonging to him was hanging over the back of a chair. Mr.

"Lutera will have to thank me for this," he said to himself; "And he will owe me both a place and a title!" He sat down at his desk in his warm and luxuriously-furnished study, turned over a few letters, and then glanced up at the clock. Its hands pointed to within a few minutes of midnight.

And then he told his love and gained hers; and, with her dear hand clasped in his, stood waiting Uncle Lincoln's blessing! "Minnie might do very much better," said the aspiring mamma; "but it was Uncle Lincoln's wish." So the next Thanksgiving was to be the wedding day. In a luxuriously-furnished apartment, surrounded by everything that contributes to make life pleasant, sat an old man.

A little while afterwards the major-domo appeared and led him into a luxuriously-furnished room. Donna Elvira was reclining in a chair; she inclined her head slightly and motioned him to be seated opposite her. At his entrance she had shot one swift glance at him, her brows had drawn together, and her lips had quivered; but now she sat calmly, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

If the former, he may expect to be ushered into spacious and luxuriously-furnished parlors, where, seated in comfortably-padded rocking-chairs, and contemplating marble tables, on which gorgeously- bound volumes are artistically arranged; thousand-dollar piano-fortes, and mirrors capable of abashing a modest man to utter speechlessness, he will tarry the advent of stately dames, whose dresses rustle as with conscious opulence.

All three of these men were wealthy merchants. In their handsome and luxuriously-furnished homes, this noxious humbug occupied the best rooms, and controlled the whole establishment, directing the marketing, meal times, and all other household-matters. When he was angry with his female disciples, he frequently whipped them; but, being a monstrous coward, he never tried it on a man.

His master was lying on a sofa in a luxuriously-furnished room, playing with a lovely girl about four years old, and listening meanwhile to an enthusiastic account of a cricket match that two boys of about twelve and fourteen years were giving him. He was a strikingly handsome man, in the prime of life, with a thoroughly happy expression.