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It hurt their sensitive natures. So the stockade only enclosed the shed and stables, but it abutted, luckily, upon the agent's house and office. Re-entering the house from the rear, after a few words of instruction to Sergeant Lutz and his men, Davies pushed through hurriedly to the front piazza.

"You made a ten strike that time, Buck," declared Lutz, clapping him on the shoulder. "Hit the target right in the bull's-eye," chimed in Terry, with a smirk. Bob and Joe and Jimmy looked at each other, and, despite their resentment, had all they could do to keep from breaking into laughter. Buck noticed their amused expression, and his coarse face grew red and mottled.

N.d., Alma Lutz Collection. March 19, 1859, Antislavery Papers, Boston Public Library. Ibid., p. 490. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 181. Ibid., p. 180. Susan B. Anthony Scrapbook, Library of Congress.

That was a great instant of silence when every one in the room was concerned entirely with their souls and had forgotten that they so much as had bodies at all. Then Herr Lutz gathered his huge frame together, stuck his hand into his beard and cried aloud for drink. Beer was provided conversation was, for the next two hours, volcanic.

Vaulting the low rail and lunging in among the devil-dreamers, came Sergeant Lutz and a squad of his fellow-troopers, and in a dozen seconds, breathless and dust-begrimed, half stifled, but practically unhurt, the agent was dragged from among the whirl of moccasined feet and propped up, panting and swearing, against the rail, while burly forms in trooper blue were hustling the half-raging, half-jeering crowd of warriors off the platform.

"I wouldn't ask a respectable dog to go near that place." Looker and Lutz had been growing angrier all the time during this dialogue, but after their recent experiences with the radio boys they did not quite dare resort to open hostilities. But if looks could have killed, Bob and Joe would have dropped dead on the spot.

The information was conveyed to Buck and Lutz, and they identified and recovered their property. But as Joe had predicted, not a word of apology for their unfounded charges was received from either one of the pair. Not long afterward the arrested men were convicted and sentenced to long prison terms. It developed that they were old offenders who made a specialty of robbery at summer resorts.

But even the sermons of young rectors must end, and at last Lutz, in the tremulous, minor, crepe-trimmed voice and drooping attitude which made the listeners feel that undertakers like poets are born, not made, urged those who cared to do so to step forward and pass around to the right.

You were perfectly safe there, and I had Connor detail an operative to see that Heinrich did not torment you." "What will become of Baron von Fincke?" "Chief Connor and the State Department will handle his case. Connor told me he found the Baron's next door neighbor a man named Frank Lutz...." "Mercy, his wife's a member of the Sisters in Unity!" ejaculated Miss Kiametia.

Frances Willard took her stand for woman suffrage in the W.C.T.U. in 1876. Ms., Diary, Sept., 1877. To James Redpath, Dec. 23, 1870, Alma Lutz Collection. New York Graphic, Sept. 12, 1874. Mrs. Hooker believed her half-brother guilty and repeatedly urged him to confess, assuring him she would join him in announcing "a new social freedom." Rumors that Mrs.