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In the same way many flowers have been associated with the Virgin herself. Thus, there is "Our Lady's tresses," and a popular name for the maiden-hair fern and quaking-grass is "Virgin's hair." The lilies of the valley are her tears, and a German nickname for the lungwort is "Our Lady's milk-wort."

A deep pink convolvulus was common, which grew upon a bush, not on a vine, and was a large and thrifty plant. Sage and wormwood were seen everywhere, and on the streams we found larkspur, aconite, little white daisies and lungwort, lupines and the ever-present sunflower. But usually all was barren barren hills, barren valleys, barren plains.

Now she toyed with a yellow oxlip, now paused at a purple lungwort; but most she went into the garden, and hovered, still as a humming-bird, among the rose-leaves and branches, especially those growing against the sun-bathed old wooden porch, and for so long that one wondered what she was doing there.

It has been principally celebrated as a vulnerary, whence its name; and in gargarisms for aphthae and inflammations of the fauces. PULMONARIA officinalis. SPOTTED LUNGWORT. The Leaves. They stand recommended against ulcers of the lungs, phthisis, and other like disorders. Lewis's Mat. Med. RANUNCULUS Ficaria. PILEWORT. The Leaves and Root.

And the dead face was like marble; but the wide-open eyes that had never wholly lost their brilliance and the beautiful lungwort blue colour were like living eyes living and gazing through the crystal-clear running water at the group of nuns staring down with horror-struck faces at her.

Lungwort, maiden-hair, hyssop, elecampane and hoarhound steeped together, is an almost certain cure for a cough. A wine-glass full to be taken when going to bed. Few people know how to keep the flavor of sweet-marjoram; the best of all herbs for broth and stuffing.

Nor was it the colour of her eyes, the deep pure blue of the lungwort, that blue loveliness seen in no other flower on earth.