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Spear who posed as Tony Lumpkin for Mr. Abbey. Abbey had done Washington Irving's Knickerbocker tales and the various "Washington's Headquarters." He worked exclusively in black and white crayon, pencil or pen and ink. His hand had taken on a style powdered wigs, spit-curls, hoops, flaring sunbonnets, cocked hats and the tallyho! These were his properties. He worked from model plus imagination.

Battle, deliberately derived from her creator. These and other essays are printed in Mr. Bertram Dobell's Sidelights on Charles Lamb, 1903, with interesting comments. Jack Bannister. See notes to the essay on "The Old Actors." His greatest parts were not those of cowards; but his Bob Acres was justly famous. Sir Anthony Absolute and Tony Lumpkin were perhaps his chief triumphs.

Their idea of how this was to be done being rather vague, the services of a governor were hired, who found that the easiest way of dealing with Tony Lumpkin was to convey him over an impressive number of miles and keep him interested with staring at buildings. The whole aim of travel was sadly degenerated from Elizabethan times.

His name is identified with her history, as one of her brightest and best men. The talents of Judge Lumpkin were of a high order, and though he distinguished himself as a jurist, they were certainly more fitted for the forum than the bench.