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Silence followed. Both men were thinking. "Gie me a richt, my lord, an' I'll du my best," said Malcolm, at length breaking the silence. "What do you mean?" growled the marquis, whose mood had altered. "Gie me a legal richt, my lord, an' see gien I dinna." "See what?" "See gien I dinna luik weel efter my leddy." "How am I to see? I shall be dead and damned."

I wad frain gang clean an' lea' clean!" "Gien onybody gang clean an' lea' clean, father, ye wull." "I luik to the Lord, my son. But noo, whan a body thinks o' 't," he went on after a pause, "there wad seem something curious i' thae tales concernin' the auld captain!

The fowk cudna luik at him till he pat the veil on." "Na, na, lass; that winna do; for ye ken his coontenance was as the sun shineth in his strenth." "Ay, but that was efter the resurrection, ye ken.

'Luik whaur she gangs, Shargar, cried Robert, from the ditch. Experience coming to his aid, Shargar took landmarks of the direction in which it went; and ere long they found it with its tail entangled in the topmost branches of a hawthorn tree, and its head beating the ground at its foot. It was at once agreed that they would not fly it again till they got some stronger string.

Willie gave a Scotchman's answer, which, while evasive, was yet answer and more. "She bet me, sir." "When? While you were stoning her?" "No, sir. A month ago." "Ye're a leein' vratch, Willie Macwha, as ye weel ken i' yer ain conscience!" cried Bruce. "She's the quaietest, kin'list beast 'at ever was wholpit. See, sir; jist luik ye here.

He's sae used to luikin' up, he's forgotten to luik doon. He bauds his lan' frae a higher than the laird, or the yerl himsel'!" The mother was silent.

I'm thinkin the angels had lang to desire afore they could luik intil certain things they sair wantit; but ye may be sure they warna left withoot as muckle licht as would lead honest fowk safe on!" "But suppose they couldn't tell whether what they seemed to see was true light or not?"

"Na, Peter; love gars a man luik up, no doon at his ain feet! It gars him fling his heid back, and set his een richt afore him no turn them in upo his ain inside! It maks a man straucht i' the back, strong i' the airm, and bauld i' the hert. Didna it you, Peter?" "Maybe it did; I dinna min' vera weel. But I see love can hardly be the thing that's amiss wi' the lad.

A great hole i' the wa' o' the room, an' the starry pleuch luikin' in at it, an' the sea lyin' far doon afore him as quaiet as the bride upo' the bed but a hantle bonnier to luik at; for ilka steek that had been on her was brunt aff, an' the bonny body o' her lyin' a' runklet, an' as black 's a coal frae heid to fut; an' the reek 'at rase frae 't was heedeous.

"That maks the thing luik waur, nae doobt," allowed Lizzy, with something of cunning. Can ye min'?" she pursued. "I discharged him." "An' what for, gien I may mak' hold to speir, sir?" she went on. "For insolence." "Wad ye tell me hoo he answert ye? Dinna think me meddlin', sir. I'm clear certain there's been some mistak. Ye cudna be sae guid to me, an' be ill to him, ohn some mistak."