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Richard is so ... well, so queer in some ways, Tilly. Besides, you know, I don't think it would be right of me to really pit my will against his." "Poor little you! Oh! men are queer fish, Mary, aren't they? Not that I can complain; I drew a prize in the lucky-bag when I took that old Jawkins in there. But when I look round me, or think back, and see what we women put up with!

That evening, when the cell-door was securely locked, and the absence of a visiting gaoler might be counted upon for an hour at least, Bland produced a straw, and held it out to his companions. Dawes took it, and tearing it into unequal lengths, handed the fragments to Mooney. "The longest is the one," said the blind man. "Come on, boys, and dip in the lucky-bag!"

I don't see them! Can any one direct me to the Orewell sports?" 'Or he'd pass a raffle, lottery, lucky-bag, or golden-barrel business of some sort, "No gamblin' for the Flour. I don't believe in their little shwindles. It ought to be shtopped. Leadin' young people ashtray." 'Or he'd pass an Englishman he didn't like, "Look at Jinneral Roberts! He's a man! He's an Irishman!

Well, I got down from the driver's seat, opened and shut the door as though to be sure that neither the one nor the other was hiding under the seat, and then I rang loudly at the front door bell and waited to see what fortune had got in her lucky-bag.

Oh, my word, an' the ship that broaches him!" Bill Adams opened and shut his mouth quickly, like a fish ashore. "They'll reckon they've got a lucky-bag," he said weakly. "An' Wilkins paid off with the rest, an' no address, even if he could help which I doubt." "Eh? I got a note from Wilkins, as it happens." Bill Adams took off his tarpaulin hat, and extracted a paper from the lining of the crown.

Therefore, each hopeful believer exerted himself to the utmost, and "poor peasants and farmers, cottagers and their masters, threw their stakes into the claimant's lucky-bag, from which they were afterwards to draw 'all prizes and no blanks." Men of loftier position, also, were not averse to speculate upon the chances of this newly-discovered heir.

"But, sir, pardon your most humble servant; I do not understand your meaning. How indeed could my shadow" he interrupted me "I beg your permission only here on the spot to be allowed to take up this noble shadow and put it in my pocket; how I shall do that, be my care. But these probably don't interest you rather Fortunatus' Wishing-cap newly and stoutly repaired, and a lucky-bag such as he had!"

On the other hand, his title may be the merest lucky-bag accident. It seems likely enough, however, that in choosing it the author had in mind the fact that the supreme word of charitableness in the history of man was spoken concerning a woman who was taken in adultery. It is scarcely an accident that in Charity a number of the chapters relate to women who make a profession of sin. Mr.

For when the yield of the Indian railways began to constitute an important source of Government revenue, the Finance Member, instead of devoting it to the equipment and expansion of railways, however essential to the future prosperity of the country, was easily prevailed upon to regard it, in part at least, as a convenient lucky-bag to draw upon, especially in difficult times, for meeting the demands of other departments, and especially of the Army Department, always the most insatiable of all.

"I should not like to be obliged to carry this very far. What does it contain?" Dick plunged his hand into his pocket and pulled out the handful of gems that he had abstracted from the bag. "It is full of pretty little stones like these," he answered, displaying them to her astonished gaze. "Put your hand into the lucky-bag, dear, and see what you can find there."