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Tennyson, Addison, Goldsmith, Emerson, Lowell, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Coleridge you can add to the list to suit. Young people follow example, and the habit of the father in writing out his thoughts causes others of the family to try it, too.

"One half of Amy Lowell doesn't know how the other half lives." A couple of Philadelphia youths, who had not met in a long while, met and fell to discussing their affairs in general. "I understand," said one, "that you broke your engagement with Clarice Collines." "No, I didn't break it." "Oh, she broke it?" "No, she didn't break it." "But it is broken?" "Yes.

At the commemoration for the Harvard soldiers, in 1865, he was the chaplain, and his prayer shares with the Commemoration Ode of Lowell the admiration of men as an utterance especially uplifting. My humble function on that day was to speak for the rank and file, and Brooks and I, as classmates, sat elbow to elbow at the table under the great tent. He was charmingly genial and brotherly.

At the meeting in 1846 of the New England Workingmen's Association, for instance, Miss Huldah J. Stone, of Lowell, was elected recording secretary, and Mrs. C.N.M. Quimby was appointed one of the board of six directors. At all the meetings of the New England Congress, which met several times a year, the women's point of view was well presented by the delegates from the various trades.

Everybody always had gowns and maids and dinners enough; there was no particular display. Old Mrs. Underhill indeed dressed with the quaint simplicity of a Quaker, and even gay little Mrs. Fielding, who had been divorced, and was a daughter of the railroad king, Lowell Lang, said that she hated Newport and Easthampton because the women dressed so much.

A life passed among books, thinking, talking, living only for books, is the most amusing and improving life; and to make this possible, the acquisition of a library should be the first object of any one who makes any claim to the possession of luxuries. The special reason why I ought always to stop the Lowell cars at Somerville is, that I consider the reading of books only half the battle.

Here we are, ma'am, fifteen miles to Lowell out with you look out for the cars on the back track. Good by pleasant trip!" Ding dong, went the bell again. "Hullo! here's her bundle! Catch, there heads! All right get on, driver!" And having tossed a bundle after the old woman, he resumed his seat. "Confound it!" roared a fat man in a blue spencer. "You're treading on my corns."

Water-power is very cheap, but it cannot be extended; and it would seem that no place can become large as a manufacturing town which has to depend chiefly upon water. It is not improbable that steam may be brought into general use at Lowell, and that Lowell may spread itself. If it should spread itself widely, it will lose its Utopian characteristics.

After her death, which occurred while he was still in England, he never spoke of her to me, though before that he used to be always bringing her name in, with a young lover-like fondness. In the hurry of the London season I did not see so much of Lowell on our second sojourn as on our first, but once when we were alone in his study there was a return to the terms of the old meetings in Cambridge.

John Clark, Esq., of Lowell, who has had under his superintendence for eight years about fifteen hundred persons of both sexes, gives concurrent testimony.