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I wait: And yet there comes no messenger with tidings of thy fate. Alack, the time of love-delight and peace was brief indeed! Ah, that the days of parting thus would of their length abate! Take thou my hand and put aside my mantle and thou'lt find My body wasted sore; and yet I hide my sad estate.

When she had finished, Ali Ben Bekkar. said to the damsel nearest him, 'Sing us somewhat, thou. So she took the lute and sang these verses: The time of union's all too slight For coquetry and prudish flight. Not thus the noble are. How long This deadly distance and despite? Ah, profit by the auspicious time, To sip the sweets of love-delight.

Softly, for fortune's nature is deceit And parting is the end of love-delight. Then, leaving her, he kissed her husband and commended his daughter to his care; after which he bade him farewell and giving the signal for departure, returned to his capital with his troops.

"Thou seduced by passion for us," quoth she, and I, "God keep Thy lovers all! How many have fallen to thy spear?" If mine eyes taste the pleasance of sleep, while she's afar, May God deny their vision her beauties many a year! O the wound in mine entrails! I see no cure for it Save love-delight and kisses from crimson lips and clear.

Softly, for fortune's nature is deceit And parting is the end of love-delight.

Now one day she took the Prince apart and would have him enjoy her; but he refused, saying, "O my lady, I am a banisht wight and with passion for a beloved one in piteous plight, nor with other will I consent to love-delight." Then she coaxed him and importuned him, but he held aloof from her, and she could not approach him nor get her desire of him by any ways and means.

They expressed their hope that Louis, the bright pole-star of love and gallantry, might deign arising and shining in fullest splendour to dispel the darkness of night, and thus reveal the black mysteries hidden thereby; that the God-like hero, who had hurled his foes to the dust, would now once more wave his flashing faulchion, and, as did Hercules in the case of the Lærnean Hydra, and Theseus in that of the Minotaur, vanquish the threatening monster who was eating up all love-delight, and darkening all joy into deep sorrow and inconsolable mourning.

She rose and sat down again, but was unable to contain herself and her eyes ran over with tears, whilst she repeated the following verses: O thou that seekest severance, forbear; Let not the fair delude thee with their sleight. Softly, for fortune's nature is deceit And parting is the end of love-delight. Then she said, "O my cousin, give me this piece of linen."

Yea, and of us he shall obtain that which he doth desire Of love-delight, whate'er to us in consequence betide. Now it chanced that the teacher came in on them And taking the tablet, unnoticed, read what was written thereon.