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Howe estimated the American loss at three hundred killed, six hundred wounded and four hundred prisoners figures which Greene's report did not essentially contradict. The wounded were mostly in Howe's hands: few had escaped, as one did in a "chair" hurriedly driven over to the Black Horse tavern, on the road to Chester, by Robert Mendinhall, a neighboring Quaker farmer.

By the latter "aid" I risked the loss of Rommany words altogether, and undoubtedly did lose a great many. "Yes, rya; that must be happer, habber, or huvver. And here in bounding triumph he gave the little wooden bear a drink of ale, as if it had uttered this chunk of solid wisdom, and then treated himself to a good long pull.

Mr, Kilroy's pride and affection made him nicely observant of any change in Angelica, but still he was at a loss to understand this new freak, and her manner alarmed him. "I am afraid you are not well," he said anxiously.

A battery that had only reached France three days before had been put under his command, to compensate for the loss of seven guns from A and C batteries. It was getting dark, but the officers at the O.P.'s in front of the wood were still able to pick up moving targets, and many Germans were being accounted for. The colonel found time to mention more episodes of the March Twenty-first fighting.

His flight to the crow's nest had been an effort to escape its fury, but it had followed him there. Leonard put a hand on his friend's shoulder. He was at a loss what to say. Indeed there was nothing to say. "Habit queer thing, Leonard I thought I was all right." "Yes?" "You see, in college I used to take an alcohol rub-down after my bouts, and a drink.

Dec. 10 Began to snow gently yesterday and continues. There are now about six inches. Dec. 11 Bitterly cold; never felt the like. What Burns calls cranreuch cauld gets into the bones, but this frost seems to squeeze body and bones, pinching and biting the exposed skin. Dec. 13 Ailie is never at a loss.

The first notes of In Memoriam were written when sorrow was fresh, but it was not till seventeen years later that it was given to the world. It is perhaps the most perfect monument ever raised to friendship. For in mourning his own loss Tennyson mourned the loss of all the world. "'I' is not always the author speaking of himself, but the voice of the human race speaking thro' him," he says.

I shall then have no brother to converse with, no friend to advise me what to do. Here he stopped, overpowered with his grief for the loss of our two murdered brothers, and with his tender solicitude for my welfare.

"And so complete was the resemblance the prince bore to his dead parent, owing to the loss of his eye and the plucking of his feathers, that for the most part the courtiers actually believed that it really was the prince they had buried, and all the common people accepted it without doubt.

Still more galling was his loss of influence in the council. The adhesion of the Spanish kingdoms had been followed by the arrival of Spanish prelates, who formed a fifth nation and strengthened the party opposed to reform.