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He has never had any skill in conducting business, and I don't know why; for he possessed qualities which in any other man would have made up for those which he lacked. He was not longsighted enough, and he did not see as a whole even what was within his range of vision.

Spinoza urged the uselessness of miracles, and Hume their incredibility, with a guarded subtlety and longsighted refinement of statement which made them in advance of their age except with a few. But their reflections have fallen in with a more advanced stage of thought and a taste for increased precision and exactness, and they are beginning to bear their fruit.

Yet I had often revolved the judicious lines in which Pope answers the objections of his longsighted friend: Pity to build without or child or wife; Why, you'll enjoy it only all your life Well, if the use be mine, does it concern one, Whether the name belong to Pope or Vernon?

Can't marry a woman now-a-days till you're so deaf you have to cock your head like a parrot to hear what she says, and so longsighted you can't see what she looks like nearer than arm's-length. Here is another chance for you, I said. What do you want nicer than such a young lady as Iris? It's no use, he answered. I look at them girls and feel as the fellah did when he missed catchin' the trout.

They were, for the most part, men without either rank or social standing."* *Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition; article "Japan," by Brinkley. Keiki himself, although the memorial was directed against him, may fairly be reckoned among these longsighted patriots.

And how can there be a higher Will without a Higher Personality, a God who impresses His law upon us and makes us aspire after the ideal good? Mr. Salter explicitly denies that the moral virtues come "from below, from prudence, from the sense of decency, from longsighted selfishness; they who think so," he declares, in a fine burst, "never breathed the climate of morality."

Can you believe so?" said Porthos, protruding his lips with contempt. "She is goddaughter to Laporte, the confidential valet of the queen. Have I not told you so, gentlemen? Besides, it has perhaps been her Majesty's calculation to seek on this occasion for support so lowly. High heads expose themselves from afar, and the cardinal is longsighted."

Showing how one may be lost in wonder at the story of the cat and the mouse, when related with a clear and rolling voice, as if from a pulpit. ACCORDING to the decree of Heaven, there once lived in the Persian city of Kerman a cat like unto a dragon a longsighted cat who hunted like a lion; a cat with fascinating eyes and long whiskers and sharp teeth.

Can't marry a woman now-a-days till you're so deaf you have to cock your head like a parrot to hear what she says, and so longsighted you can't see what she looks like nearer than arm's-length. Here is another chance for you, I said. What do you want nicer than such a young lady as Iris? It's no use, he answered. I look at them girls and feel as the fellah did when he missed catchin' the trout.