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Here Alethea determined to put an end to this oration, and to Emily's great relief, she cut short the detail of Lady Rotherwood's offences by saying, 'Do you think Faith Longley likely to suit us, if we took her to help the housemaid? 'Are you thinking of taking her? cried Lily.

"I'll try to raise the money for you on time," said Merwin, interested in his plaiting. "All right, Tom," concluded Longley, as he turned toward the door; "I knew you would if you could." Merwin threw down his whip and went to the only other bank in town, a private one, run by Cooper & Craig. "Cooper," he said, to the partner by that name, "I've got to have $10,000 to-day or to-morrow.

Merwin broke into a run, and Longley kept with him, hearing only a rather pleasing whistle somewhere in the night rendering the lugubrious air of "The Cowboy's Lament ." "It's the only tune he knows," shouted Merwin, as he ran. "I'll bet " They were at the door of Merwin's house. He kicked it open and fell over an old valise lying in the middle of the floor.

It was, perhaps, his duty to step out to the telegraph office and wire the situation to the Comptroller. But he did not. He talked pointedly and effectively to Longley for three minutes. He succeeded in making the banker understand that he stood upon the border of a catastrophe. And then he offered a tiny loophole of escape.

Howe's biographers have dealt with this episode in his life in a vein of intelligent generosity. See Joseph Howe by Mr Justice Longley in the 'Makers of Canada' series and The Tribune of Nova Scotia, by Prof. W. L. Grant, in the present Series. Report of the Canadian ministers to Lord Monck, July 13, 1865.