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Nowadays, however, you will occasionally see an indoor aerial used in connection with small, low-power outfits. It does away with the masts and outside equipment and frequently serves the same purpose quite satisfactorily. But most persons prefer the older method and for long-distance work it has, up to date proved to be indispensable.

She even thought of sending a long-distance message to Beverley from her own flat; but the grim personality of Anna Schultz banished this idea at a glance. Ellen realized that if she asked to enter the apartment she would be regarded as a suspicious character. Important business with Mrs. Sands would take her to Newport immediately, she told Miss Schultz.

These most important calls out of the way, he was busy for over an hour giving long-distance instructions so that everything would be in readiness for the servicing of the immense space-cruiser the following Tuesday night.

"I'll shag up the tower and have a look," the younger man said. He had with him no field-glasses, but his eyes were trained to long-distance work. Years in the saddle on the range had made him an expert at reading such news as the landscape had written on it. "Fire in Bear Cañon!" he shouted down. "Quite a bit of smoke risin'." "I'll ride right up and look it over," the cattleman called back.

The training of a hundred-yards sprinter should not be the same as that prescribed for a long-distance runner or a wrestler. In all practice it is ever to be borne in mind that the end, even in an exercise, is artistic. Tones of that quality only which is the best possible to the singer at the time are to be produced, and everything else must yield to this.

All other matters were quite subsidiary to his one chief object. Once out in the open, the horses settled down into their long-distance stride. Here the trail was not so good as in the precincts of the village. The snow was deeper and softer. Now and then the horses' hoofs would break through the frozen crust and sink well above the fetlocks into the under-snow.

In the closet off the Galland library, where the long-distance telephone was installed, Westerling was talking with the premier in the Gray capital. "Your total casualties are eight hundred thousand! That is terrific, Westerling!" the premier was saying. "Only two hundred thousand of those are dead!" replied Westerling. "Many with only slight wounds are already returning to the front.

All eyes followed her with interest as she went. It was as though an echo of her talk with the Inspector had by some occult means already spread through the little household. Through the half-open green baize door leading to the servants' quarters some unseen person was bawling down the telephone in a heated controversy with the exchange about a long-distance call to London.

And what am I to think of the Brown, now that I remember that the woman who has chosen to hide her identity under another name is a Frenchwoman. Something queer! Let me see if I can call up the station-master at the place she's gone." A long-distance connection proving practicable, he found himself after a little while in communication with the man he wanted. "I'm Gryce, of the New York police.

George, Staten Island, New York, a distance of about 14 miles, in 5 hours 10 minutes. William D. McAllister won a long-distance swim from L Street bath, Boston, to Spectacle Island and return in 4 hours 50 minutes. All of these swims were made with aid from tide or current. Water polo has become one of the most popular and fascinating of all water sports.