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As a boy I disdained so weak a thing as noticing the coloring on Big Hill but now, in the long-after years, I realize that its vivid Autumn garment was indestructibly fixed in my memory and has lived saved for me until I could look back through Time's long glass and understand and love that glorious picture.

Among other places, he showed him the spot where he proposed to erect a new family burial-vault. He spoke of its form and dimensions, and then said, "This change I shall make the first of all, for I may require it before the rest." "When I parted from him," said Major Lewis, in long-after years, "he stood on the steps of the front door, where he took leave of myself and another.

Sir Bruce Carr-Gambier forsakes Christina Chard and her child for cowardly reasons similar to those pleaded by Brand. When they meet, long-after, he offers his devotion again, but only because her developed beauty, position, and reputed wealth attract him.

They gave me, on leaving, a handsome present, as well as my fee, for I had got on very pleasantly with them all. This experience, too, came to be valuable to me, when, in long-after days, and far other lands, Mission buildings had to be erected, and garden and field cropped and cultivated without the aid of a single European hand.

In long-after years, as occasions arose, each who continued to deserve it found in him a friend, and felt that he more than fulfilled his promise. . . . Before we quit this subject, it may be useful to record that the French generals who headed this invasion declared they had been completely deceived as to the state of Ireland.