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"I'm sick of this life, colonel. I want to go straight. I want to get away out of it all and and he's going to help me." "A social reformer, eh?" said the colonel. "I didn't know the police went in for that sort of stunt. And when did he take this sudden liking for you, Lollie?"

"You told me to get into touch with him. Haven't I been for weeks " "That's a pretty good excuse," interrupted the colonel, "but it won't work, Lollie. You don't touch with a man like Stafford King and meet him secretly in St. James's Street.

If the colonel says she's got to go abroad, why, I suppose she's got to go. But she's not going to be on my conscience, that's all," said Lollie. They passed through the door into a smaller room where the night watchers sat. She made as though to sit at the table when he gripped her arm and swung her round.

Kit, don't have another clam while I am in this house. I have eaten so many lately my waist rises and falls with the tide." "You have a stunning color, Kit," Lollie said. "You are really quite superb. Who made that gown?" "Where have you been hiding, du kleine?"

"No, sir, thank you; but if I am, at any time, I'll come to you for a peacemaker." "Oh, look who's here!" cried Lollie, spying a strange figure walking across the lawn. The group joined the others and found themselves invited to take a seat in the rows of chairs which were lined up in front of an interesting-looking table.

He found Snakit waiting on returning from a matinée, and the little detective was so important and mysterious that the colonel knew something had been discovered. "Well," he asked, closing the door, "what have you found?" "She is in communication with the police," said Snakit, "that's what I've found." "Lollie?" "Miss Marsh is the lady.

He said for me to go away and let him die!" Dal dropped the hammer immediately, and Lollie Mercer sat petrified, with a bonbon halfway to her mouth. For, of course, it was unexpected, finding sentiment of any kind in Bella, and none of them knew about the scene in the den in the small hours of the morning. "Sick!" Aunt Selina said, from a hall chair. "Sick! Where?" "All over," Bella quavered.

"Have you a good house?" The youth shook his head. "We're not having the houses we had when Miss White was here," he said. "What's become of her, miss?" "I don't know," said Lollie shortly. She had to pass to the back of Pinto's box to reach the little staircase which led to the box above. She thought she heard voices, and stopping at the door, listened. Perhaps Crewe had come down or the colonel.

He squatted back in his chair, pulling at his long moustache. "Phillopolis, Crewe, Pinto, Selby, and then me," said he, speaking to himself, "and he never mentioned Lollie Marsh. And Lollie has been the decoy duck that has been in every hunt we've had. This wants looking into, Pinto." As he finished speaking there was a little buzz from the corner of the room and Pinto looked up startled.

"Well, it's her name all the same. And the two Rawlins girls, Grace and Ethel." "Are they nice?" "Lovely. They live on the next block below us. Their brother is coming, too. Clayton, his name is." "What other boys?" "Oh, Reggie Stuart and Lollie Henry " "Lollie! What a ridiculous name for a boy!" "His real name is Lorillard. He's an awfully nice boy.