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Das girls haf a man now vos lof her vera moochhe is was you call das soldier; he lofs her mooch but he shall not hof her, you shall hof das girls.

Zere!" something tinkled on the pavement with the unmistakable sound of gold "zere, monsieur, zere is the half-sovereign to pay you for ze trouble, only, for ze lof of goodness, do not pick it up while the instrument ze camera he is going. It is ze kinematograph, and you would spoil everything!" The chop-fallen cry that Collins gave was lost in a roar of laughter from the pursuing crowd.

"Montemisselle," said he at length to the unhappy girl, "vill you be so goot as to let me be your protector?" "Why, I cannot help myself, monsieur," replied Esther, letting fall two large tears. "Do not veep. I shall make you de happiest of vomen. Only permit that I shall lof you you shall see." "Well, well, child, the gentleman is reasonable," said Asie.

Ef he had come f'om roun' yere I 'd be skeered ter keep 'im, fer de w'ite folks 'u'd prob'ly be lookin' fer 'im. But I knows ev'ybody w'at's be'n conscripted fer ten miles 'roun', an' dis yere boy don' b'long in dis neighborhood. W'en 'e gits so 'e kin he'p 'isse'f we 'll put 'im up in de lof an' hide 'im till de Yankees come.

For missus is mighty rich, an' don't need us, 'case she's got barrels of meal, an' flour, an' plenty bacon in de smoke-house, da keeps locked up, da say for de Secesh sojers. An' missus had us put a tin trunk of gole an' silver money, an' a big ches' of all her silver plate way up in de lof' few days ago.

She was like de ole mass'r, mighty haughty an' despit-like, when she angry. I wasn't in de lof' none too soon, fer Missy Roberta was 'spicious and uneasy-like, an' she come to de head ob de gerret starway an' call my name. At fust I ain't sayin' suffin', an' she call louder. Den I say, 'Dat you, Missy Roberta? Den she seem to tink dat I was all right.

I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif. . . . I shall gif no drouble vatefer. . . . I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you." "I should be very glad, sir; but, to begin with, M. Gaudissart has given me a proper wigging " "Vigging?"

Our little Babs will lof me; why should she not? You will tell her advise her and we will all three be very happy." Dr. Kent said abruptly, "Then leave her with me now. That was her request, a moment ago. If you expect to treat her kindly, then why not " "I do! I do! But not now. I cannot spare her now. I am very busy, but I must take her with me."

For Mary was sobbing in a corner by herself, without even her mother to come up and say a word. "My daughter never does it," answered Stephen Anerley; "my daughter is not like the foolish girls and women. My daughter knows her mind; and what she does she means to do. Mary, lof, come to your father, and tell him that every one is lying of you.

How could you, Magdalen, ever leaf such a lof of a man? Shake hands vid her, Gaptain; dere, never mind de blacking!" But Miss drew back. "I never shake hands with a SHOEBLACK," said she, mighty contemptuous. "Bah! my lof, his fingers von't soil you. Don't you know he has just been VITEVASHED?" "I wish, uncle," says she, "you would not leave me with such low people." "Low, because he cleans boots?