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It was taken before the stadholder could move a step to its assistance, even had he deemed it prudent to leave Yssel-side for an hour. The summer was passing away, the rain was still descending, and it was the 1st of August before Spinola left Lochem.

Preparations for the campaign of 1606 Diminution of Maurice's popularity Quarrel between the pope and the Venetian republic Surprise of Sluys by Du Terrail Dilatoriness of the republic's operations Movements of Spinola Influence of the weather on the military transactions of the year Endeavours of Spinola to obtain possession of the Waal and Yssel Surrender of Lochem to Spinola Siege of Groll Siege and loss of Rheinberg Mutiny in the Catholic army Recovery of Lochem by Maurice Attempted recovery of Groll Sudden appearance of the enemy Withdrawal of the besieging army Close of the campaign End of the war of independence Motives of the Prince in his actions before Groll Cruise of Admiral Haultain to the coast of Spain and Portugal His encounter with the war ships of Fazardo Courageous conduct of the vice-admiral Deaths of Justus Lipsius, Hohenlo, and Count John of Nassau.

The opportunity had at last arrived for the stadholder to strike a blow before the season closed. Bankruptcy and mutiny had reduced his enemy to impotence in the very season of his greatest probable success. On the 24th October Maurice came before Lochem, which he recaptured in five days. Next in the order of Spinola's victories was Groll, which the stadholder at once besieged.

Wearied of this fruitless pacing up and down, Spinola, while apparently intending an assault upon Deventer, and thus attracting his adversary's attention to that important city, suddenly swerved to the right, and came down upon Lochem. The little town, with its very slender garrison, surrendered at once. It was not a great conquest, but it might possibly be of use in the campaign.

The prince whose difficult task was to follow up and observe an enemy by whom he was outnumbered nearly four to one, to harass him by skirmishes, to make forays on his communications, to seize important points before he could reach them, to impose upon him by an appearance of far greater force than the republican army could actually boast, to protect the cities of the frontier like Zutphen, Lochem, and Doesburg, and to prevent him from attempting an invasion of the United Provinces in force, by crossing any of the rivers, either in the autumn or after the winter's ice had made them passable for the Spanish army-succeeded admirably in all his strategy.

Doesbourg at the same time opened its gates to Lewis: soon after, Harderwic, Amersfort, Campen, Rhenen, Viane, Elbe g, Zwol. Cuilemberg, Wageninguen, Lochem, Woerden, fe into the enemy's hands. Groll and Deventer surrendered to the mareschal Luxembourg, who commanded the troops of Munster.

Preparations for the campaign of 1606 Diminution of Maurice's popularity Quarrel between the pope and the Venetian republic Surprise of Sluys by Du Terrail Dilatoriness of the republic's operations Movements of Spinola Influence of the weather on the military transactions of the year Endeavours of Spinola to obtain possession of the Waal and Yssel Surrender of Lochem to Spinola Siege of Groll Siege and loss of Rheinberg Mutiny in the Catholic army Recovery of Lochem by Maurice Attempted recovery of Groll Sudden appearance of the enemy Withdrawal of the besieging army Close of the campaign End of the war of independence Motives of the Prince in his actions before Groll Cruise of Admiral Haultain to the coast of Spain and Portugal His encounter with the war ships of Fazardo Courageous conduct of the vice-admiral Deaths of Justus Lipsius, Hohenlo, and Count John of Nassau.

The prince whose difficult task was to follow up and observe an enemy by whom he was outnumbered nearly four to one, to harass him by skirmishes, to make forays on his communications, to seize important points before he could reach them, to impose upon him by an appearance of far greater force than the republican army could actually boast, to protect the cities of the frontier like Zutphen, Lochem, and Doesburg, and to prevent him from attempting an invasion of the United Provinces in force, by crossing any of the rivers, either in the autumn or after the winter's ice had made them passable for the Spanish army-succeeded admirably in all his strategy.

Wearied of this fruitless pacing up and down, Spinola, while apparently intending an assault upon Deventer, and thus attracting his adversary's attention to that important city, suddenly swerved to the right, and came down upon Lochem. The little town, with its very slender garrison, surrendered at once. It was not a great conquest, but it might possibly be of use in the campaign.

The prince whose difficult task was to follow up and observe an enemy by whom he was outnumbered nearly four to one, to harass him by skirmishes, to make forays on his communications, to seize important points before he could reach them, to impose upon him by an appearance of far greater force than the republican army could actually boast, to protect the cities of the frontier like Zutphen, Lochem, and Doesburg, and to prevent him from attempting an invasion of the United Provinces in force, by crossing any of the rivers, either in the autumn or after the winter's ice had made them passable for the Spanish army-succeeded admirably in all his strategy.