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"He is so good," said one of the slave girls, "that he won't grudge taking as many oaths as we like." The dueña now unlocked the door, and holding it ajar called to Loaysa, who had been listening at the aperture to all that had passed.

The boys all made a ring round him when he sang, and Luis the negro, enchanted by the virote's music, would have given one of his hands to be able to open the door, and listen to him more at his ease, such is the fondness for music inherent in the negro race. When Loaysa wanted to get rid of his audience, he had only to cease singing, put up his guitar, and hobble away on his crutches.

If any one of you should please to say, 'Maestro, sit down here; Maestro, step this way, step that way, go yonder, I will do just as you bid me, like the tamest and best trained dog that jumps for the king of France." "Well, if that be so," said the inexperienced Leonora, "what is to be done, so that the señor maestro may come in?" "Nothing can be easier," said Loaysa.

"Let us go," said Leonora; "but let Guiomar remain here on the watch, to warn vis if Carrizales wakes." "Ay," said Guiomar, "black woman stay, white woman go: God pardon all." Leaving the negress behind, the rest all went to the saloon, where they seated themselves on a rich carpet, with Loaysa in the centre of the group.

Having taken up his position there, Loaysa produced a greasy guitar, wanting some of its strings, and as he was something of a musician, he began to play a few lovely airs, and to sing Moorish ballads in a feigned voice, with so much expression that all who were passing through the street stopped to listen.

Loaysa was young, good-looking, and of pleasing deportment; and as the eyes of all the women had been so long accustomed only to the sight of old Carrizales, they fancied as they looked at Loaysa that they beheld an angel.

"That oath is good for nothing," replied Leonora: "the señor must swear by the life of his father, and by the cross, which he must kiss in sight of us all." "I swear by the life of my father," said Loaysa, "and by this sign of the cross, which I kiss with my unworthy mouth;" and crossing two of his fingers, he kissed them three times.

On this occasion an extraordinary piece of good luck befel one of the small vessels of the fleet a pinnace or row boat, of the kind called pataca, in command of Joam de Resaga, who steered it along the coast of Peru, unknown at the time, and reached New Spain, where they gave an account to the famous conquerer of Mexico, Fernand Cortez, telling him that Loaysa was on his way to the islands of cloves.*

Day broke now, and found Leonora still in the arms of Loaysa. Marialonso awoke, and thinking it time to receive what she counted was due to her, she awoke Leonora, who was shocked to find it so late, and bitterly accused her own imprudence and the dueña's negligence.

As to the key, he had only to give them the impression in wax, and they would have a false one made forthwith. Having said this, the friends retired, and Loaysa and his pupil went to rest for the short remainder of the night.