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That was all right, for he had got for Miss Francie a little present that he was about to take down with him a hand-bag in green lizard-skin that might be useful to her when she was going on her numerous errands. Well, it was too late now; he would have to atone for his neglect of her when he returned to town.

She leaned towards a small table and took up a box made of lizard-skin. "Thanks." He took the box from her, and as it passed from one to the other he saw her glance at his rings. The glance was momentary; her lips parted to express question or surprise, then closed again without comment. More than any spoken words, the incident showed him the gulf that separated husband and wife.

“I,” said the Assessor, “will stake my golden dog-collars, covered with lizard-skin, with rings of gold, and my leash of woven silk, the workmanship of which is as marvellous as the jewel that glitters upon it.

There were supplies here too, lying untouched in ageless containers within a lizard-skin pouch. Varta touched her tongue without fear to a powdered restorative, sharing it with Lur, whose own mailed skin would protect him through the dangers to come. She folded the regalia she had stripped off and laid it in the chest, smoothing it regretfully before she dropped the lid upon its shimmering color.

Again the fact that power is visible in little things came to his mind. "Give me my engagement-book, Greening," he said, when the letters had been disposed of. The book that Greening handed him was neat in shape and bound, like Chilcote's cigarette-case, in lizard-skin. As Loder took it, the gold monogram "J.C." winked at him in the bright morning light. The incident moved his sense of humor.

Her golden eyes dreamed as she walked on swiftly, a slender figure dressed in a plain skirt of rough grey-blue, and a loose-sleeved blouse of thick white silk, her slight waist belted with a silver-mounted lizard-skin girdle, a pleasant tinkle of silver châtelaine appendages accompanying her steps. And those steps were to her no longer uncompanioned.

My stake was the gift that I once received from Prince Sanguszkomy elegant dog-collars, covered with lizard-skin, with rings of gold, and my leash woven of silk, the workmanship of which is as precious as the jewel that glitters upon it. That outfit I wanted to leave as an inheritance for my children; I shall surely have children, for you know that I am to be married to-day.