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"I am known here much better than in the Rue St. Honore," she writes, "and in a fashion the most flattering. My journey has made an incredible sensation for the last fifteen days." To be sure, she spells badly for a woman who poses as the friend of litterateurs and savants, and says very little about anything that does not concern her own fame and glory.

'How can any one that would speak as the oracles of God use harder words than are to be found here? By this I advise every young preacher to form his style! 'He who aspires to be a great poet as sublime as Milton must first become a little child! declares the greatest of all littérateurs.

The small columns of the porch gave it the name of the tempietto, or little temple, while several personages dear to litterateurs had lived there, from the landscape painter Claude Lorrain to the poet Francois Coppee.

They make their own gunpowder, and use cartridges made of cane. The Malays, like the Japanese, have a most rigid epistolary etiquette, and set forms for letter writing. Letters must consist of six parts, and are so highly elaborate that the scribes who indite them are almost looked upon as litterateurs.

The most hackneyed of professional littérateurs might shrink from sitting down to his writing-desk, to make merchandise of such a "deed of derring-do." Nevertheless, Royston Keene bore his part in it manfully; and the troopers talk yet of the feats of skill and strength wrought by his sabre.

This is the Morris house, where Mary Philipse lived after she became the wife of Roger Morris; where Washington had his headquarters; where Madame Jumel lived, and where she married Aaron Burr. To the one who strolls in the footsteps of littérateurs of a bygone day, it is, more than all, the house where Halleck visited, and where he wrote Marco Bozzaris.

"And, then, not only is the public press subsidized by this man, if report is not even falser than usual, but a whole army of pamphleteers, journalists, littérateurs and students await his bidding, as well as some of the most distinguished novelists and dramatists of the nation and age!" "My God!" exclaimed the Count. "Can this be so?"

While the foremost actors and events from 1750 to 1830 both in Europe and America were crowding each other on the world's stage While so many kings, queens, soldiers, philosophs, musicians, voyagers, litterateurs, enter one side, cross the boards, and disappear amid loudest reverberating names Frederick the Great, Swedenborg, Junius, Voltaire, Rousseau, Linnaeus, Herschel curiously contemporary with the long life of Goethe through the occupancy of the British throne by George the Third amid stupendous visible political and social revolutions, and far more stupendous invisible moral ones while the many quarto volumes of the Encyclopaedia Francaise are being published at fits and intervals, by Diderot, in Paris while Haydn and Beethoven and Mozart and Weber are working out their harmonic compositions while Mrs.

Meanwhile, with a weak Irish administration in charge of Mr Birrell as Chief Secretary most amiable of litterateurs, but most imbecile of politicians the Ulster opposition was allowed to harden into potential violence and civil war. "Engagements" between the Orangemen and the Hibernians began to form a sort of political amusement in the north of Ireland.

At the feet of these noble ladies reclined a number of young seigneurs, dangling their little hats surcharged with plumes, while their mantles of silk and gold were spread loosely on the floor. And there, in more grave attire, were the professional litterateurs, such as Balzac, Voiture, Menage, Scudery, Chaplain, Costart, Conrad, and the Abbe Bossuet. The Cupid of the hotel was strictly Platonic.